Fainting while watching a gory movie also on a long fast

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Something quiet scary happened today to my brother and I would like to make sure it is not dangerous.
We were riding on a train and he was seating next to me. At one point the couple in front of us asked if my brother was okay? I looked over and he looked quiet crumpled, with his head down and his hands near his stomach, just like he was paralyzed. I touched his shoulder and asked if he was okay? He seemed lost for a few seconds until he seemed better. I quickly gave him a sweet and had to open it for him as his hands were shaking. A minute later when he got better, he told me that was because of the movie he was watching (lots of blood on one scene) and also the fact that he was fasting for the past 16 hours. He also didn't really remembered what happened after he kinda fainted. After that he asked for one more sweet and was completely normal and nothing abnormal happened.
What I want to know, is whether or not this was something dangerous? Like a sign of heart attack or something we should be worried about?
Thanks in advance

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

I have discussed your concern with our Neurologist Dr. Sudhir Kumar (www.doctorspring.com/doctors/sudhir-kumar?) . This event appears to be a hypoglycaemic attack (low blood sugar), probably due to the lack of food intake. The good response to sweet (which contains simple carbohydrates which are easily absorbed) further confirms the hypoglycemic attack.

As of now there is nothing to worry. If similar episodes recur he might require further evaluation. Otherwise there is no need for any concern now.

Hope this helps
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