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Excessive body odour.

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Why do I smell like a fart all the time?

Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 30 Doctors Online

Hello and thankyou for approaching DoctorSpring with your query.
Please could you tell me more details about your condition so that I can give you a better opinion.

1) Is this something you believe or do others say that you smell?
2) Do you have bad breath or your mouth smells?
3) Do you feel it is worsened by some foods or gets better with some kind of diet?
4) Do you pass a lot of gas?
5) Have you tried any treatment?
6) Do you sweat a lot? throughout the day or only after active sport or exertion?
7) Do you feel that the smell is more in your armpits , pubic region or palms and soles?

Please reply as a follow up and I will advise you accordingly.


Dr.Deepu Sebin Sebastian
Internal Medicine Specialist

Patient replied :

Others say I smell, they don't actually say it to me but they say things like, it smells like a fart in here, who farted? Things along those lines even though they know the Oder is coming from me. I don't believe I have bad breath, I shower daily right after work everyday sometimes 2 times a day but not even an hour later my people can smell it. I have a decent diet on most days I eat chicken and salad. Some days I do cheat and eat in healthy I have done a lot of research online and haven't really found any solid answers on why I smell the way I do. Sometimes I do pass a lot of gas but even when I don't I still seem to smell I haven't had any treatment I haven't even talked to anyone about this problem besides now I don't sweat as much as I used to. And I honestly don't know where the smell is exactly coming from.

Hello and thankyou for your reply.
From what you have explained you probably have a condition known as bromhidrosis or body odor. It is common among postpubertal individuals. The good news is that once you age this condition can disappear. So till then you need to take some general measures and shortcuts to stay without the smell.
It is usually due to one of the sweat glands known as apocrine glands. Apocrine glands are present in the axilla, genital skin and breasts. They secrete a small amount of oily fluidy which is odorless. In some people these glands can be larger or more in number and the oil that they secrete is decomposed by bacteria on the skin giving it a characteristic foul odor.

You can take the following measures to decrease this odor
1) Have a frequent bath, or wash axilla and pubic area frequently.
2) Remove sweaty clothes immediately
3)Use topical deodorants
4)Regularly shave the axilla and pubic area
5) Use topical antibiotic soaps while having a bath to decrease the bacterial growth
6)If you have any skin infection, you need to get it examined and treated
7) Whenever you sweat a lot you can use antiperspirants like aluminium salts (they are different from deodorants)

Some antibiotics are also found useful as they kill odour causing bacteria. In your case I would suggest you to got with the above measure and see what difference it makes.

If the above do not help, and you feel no improvement there are few non surgical procedures like laser which has been found to be effective.

I hope this has helped. Feel free to ask followups


Patient replied :

Thank you for your help, I will try what you're suggesting. I just have a few more questions.
1.So do you think changing the way I eat would make it better or worse or does that even have anything to do with how I smell?
2. Do you think it's staining my clothes? I never wear the same clothes twice I always wash them before I run out
3. So there's nothing I can take or do to instantly get rid of this smell? Or do I just have to wait it out and take steps to prevent it? I'm willing to spend and do whatever it takes to get rid of this smell, it's ruining my life it's been going on for about a year now I've been thinking about quitting my job because of it. I used to have a lot of friends and now I don't because I refuse to spend time with them because of this problem.

1) No your diet will not make much of a difference.
2)No you are not staining your clothes, the smell is not due to you staining your clothes
3)No, there is nothing you can take that will help your condition, You need to do the steps that I explained above and you will feel the difference.
You do not have to take drastic steps like quit your job. Try what I told you and things will improve. If not you can go in for laser therapy.
But right now I would suggest you just try the steps I explained and you will feel an improvement.

I hope this has helped.


Patient replied :

Ok thank you, one last question, I've been looking for the products you are talking about on amazon but I haven't really found anything do you have the name of any of those products and maybe where I can find them? I appreciate you taking the time and helping me.

Hello, you can try the following
Antibacterial soap/ gel: Clindamycin soap or gel. Brand name Cleocin or Clindagel. You can use any of the two. You can apply the gel after a bath. You can stop after a week once you feel you that the smell has reduced.
Antiperspirant: Drysol, you can use it at bedtime. once excessive sweating decreases (usually after 2 -4 treatments) , decrease the application to 1-2 times/week. Make sure you apply it to completely dry skin. do not use on broken, irritated or recently shaved skin.
Deodorant. You can use any deodorant that has antibacterial properties like Nivea or other well known brands.
Follow the other measures I have mentioned above as well.

I hope this has helped.

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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