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Enlarged white something at centre of tongue

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I have been getting something on my tongue and I'm not sure what it is. It's white in appearence and looks like enlarged taste buds. It isn't painful. It's dead centre towards the back (but not right at the back). I think it has been getting worse. I like to think I have good oral hygiene and brush my teeth as least once daily, often twice.

Please could you help identify it? I'd be most grateful.

Thank you in advance,


Category: Family Physician-GP

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Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
 24 Doctors Online


Thanks for your query.

This condition looks like a fungal infection called oral candidal thrush.
This becomes chronic over time and hence needs to be treated with oral cotrimazole paste. You should also take an oral antifungal medicine called fluconazole 150 mg single dose.

Please note that you would need to get a blood sugar test done and will need a prescription for the above medications.

Thanks and take care.

Patient replied :

Great thank you. I thought that a fungal infection could be scraped off? What I have can't be and is almost like a part of my tongue? Why would I need a blood sugar test? I will make an appointment with my GP.

Thanks for your help.


Thanks for your reply.

Fungal infection can't be just scrapped off, it needs to be treated. Its not a part of your tongue. This kind of fungal infection in the mouth is common in diabetics, hence the blood sugar test.

Take care

Patient replied :

Thank you for your response.

I have visited my GP and he prescriped me with Nystan Oral Suspension. It reads "Nystan Oral Suspension is used to prevent and treat fungal infections (thrush) of the mouth, throat or gut". I'm sure you knew that already, so thank you.

My GP also took a swab and sent it off for analysis to confirm. He said if it comes back positive (which I'm thinking is likely as I've been taking the drops a couple of days now and there's already a difference) then he will conduct a blood sugar test. He told me that thrush in the mouth of a man of my age and health is uncommon but did not mention diabetes at this stage.

I have one final question if you don't mind. I usually struggle to get out of bed on a morning and despite long lie ins I will be tired again around 4pm. Maybe I'm just lazy. I do eat quite a lot of sweets. I usually find I feel better after consuming them.

Could the thrush be as a result of too much sugary food? If I do end up having a blood test, would you suggest NOT eating sweets or sugary food before I go? How long before?

Thank you so much for your help.



Thanks for your reply.

This link is for your reference.

Eating sugary foods will not cause oral thrush.

Before doing a blood test fasting for 8 to 10 hours would be necessary, but there is no correlation about not having sugary foods before the test.


Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar
Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
Diploma in Dermatology - Royal College Of Physicians & Surgeons Of Glasgow, UK , 2010
Residency - DNB, Dermatology -  K.J Somaiya Hospital, Mumbai, 2009
Medical School & Internship - MBBS - Dr. D . Y . Patil Medical College, Mumbai, 2004
Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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