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Effects of ALCOHOL in PREGNANCY on baby.

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I recently found out I was pregnant. I had an ultrasound due to fear and found out I am 4 weeks , 5 days pregnant as of 2/13.

I drank heavily up to the day I found out I was pregnant. I was due to get my period between 2/6 - 2/8. I had cramps starting 2/6, so I took that as my upcoming period and drank every night between 2/6 to 2/8. However, by 2/8 I still hadn't gotten my period. I had several drinks the night of 2/8 even though I knew I was late and had these cramps that didn't quite feel like period cramps. It started to dawn on me that maybe it wasn't my period, although I wasn't quite sure I could be pregnant as I am older (4o) and didn't think it would happen. I went to bed with the intention of going to get a pregnancy test in the am. I tested positive on 2/9.

why didn't I figure that out and not drink since I was late? I am so mad at myself but I just didn't put it all together. The dr. Knows about my drinking and that I drank up until the night before I took a test on 2/9. Does it make sense to worry or should I just chalk it up to inexperience and that now I am making better choices as in not drinking?

Going off my medication for OCD has been very difficult...

Thanks, Meggan

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 29 Doctors Online

Hello and thankyou for approaching DoctorSpring with your query.

I went through your case and understand your concern. You need not worry as you have realized and stopped alcohol consumption.
It is true that alcohol drinking is unsafe during pregnancy. In early pregnancy the main cause of worry is miscarriage.
In your case that has not happened, and you need not worry.

Prolonged consumption of alcohol during pregnancy is know to cause Fetal alcohol syndrome in the baby birth defects, facial anomalies etc. . There is no dose response relationship between the amount of alcohol consumed and effect on the child. But it has been found that the earlier the mother stops drinking better, and the chances are good that the baby will be healthy.

Since you have drank in the early pregnancy, 4 weeks I would say you need not worry.AT 4 weeks the embryo cells were arranging to themselves to start the formation of major organs. Hence you stopped alcohol consumption on time. Put this behind you, and make sure you take proper prenatal care. Make sure to take all the immunizations, and supplements advised to you by your doctor.
Make sure you completely avoid alcohol, undergo all the routine prenatal checkups and tests. Eat healthy. Stay positive, sleep well.

You can try psychological and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for OCD in this period.

By the way taking alcohol in the early pregnancy is pretty common. Usually there are no ill effects. Just make sure you are not taking it any more.

I hope this has helped. Feel free to follow up with any queries.

Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

Thank you. .

Patient replied :

I actually realized that my period should have started the 5th or 6th not the 6th or 7th. But didn't find out I was pregnant until the morning of the 9th after daily drinking heavily since conception (last period start date was 1/8). I think even though my boyfriend and I were having unprotected sex to possibly get pregnant, and I really didn't think it would happen as i am 39 (40 on Tuesday)...thus why I kept drinking even though I was late.

Is it still the same answer even though I drank one more night while I was pregnant that I stated above. Again, i have not have anything to drink since Saturday night. I think part of me is going through withdrawal and I just realized that.
Thanks. Meggan

Hello, Yes the answer remains the same. One day more will not make a difference. And you need not worry

However if you are having severe withdrawal symptoms like severe headache, tremor, sweating, agitation, anxiety , irratibility, nausea , vomitting or sensitivity to light I would suggest you visit the medical center so that you can be monitored as you go through the withdrawal phase to avoid any complications.

If you feel fine with very mild symtoms of slight headache,slight irritation and anxiety you have nothing to worry.
Drink water and electrolytes to stay hydrated during the withdrawal stage.
I hope this has helped.
Take care

Patient replied :

Hello, Yes the answer remains the same. One day more will not make a difference. And you need not worry

However if you are having severe withdrawal symptoms like severe headache, tremor, sweating, agitation, anxiety , irratibility, nausea , vomitting or sensitivity to light I would suggest you visit the medical center so that you can be monitored as you go through the withdrawal phase to avoid any complications.

If you feel fine with very mild symtoms of slight headache,slight irritation and anxiety you have nothing to worry.
Drink water and electrolytes to stay hydrated during the withdrawal stage.
I hope this has helped.
Take care

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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