Resolved question:
I was recently prescribed with 10mg Inderal for my sinus tachycardia. It seems to be working wonders so far, but as soon as it wears off my symptoms seem to creep back. It says on the label for me to take 2 tablets a day, however the doctor didn't mention how long between each tablet I should wait before taking the next one.

My tachycardia usually happens while eating, so I'm taking my first pill before Lunch and my second one before Dinner. Does this sound like reasonable timing for dosage?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
So you've been prescribed 10mg Inderal, twice daily for sinus tachycardia. Generally, that means you take the two tablets 12 hours apart. The only thing to be careful of with Inderal is to keep a gap of minimum 4 hours between doses else your heart rate will drop to dangerously low levels.
Additionally, it appears that you have been put on the lowest dosage possible for your condition. Physicians often do this with medications, start at a low dose and increase steadily to find out what dosage is apprpriate to control your symptoms.
I would suggest that you visit your physician and inform him regarding the quick wearing off of the medication. In most likelihood, he would increase the dosage to one which better control your symptoms.
Hope this helps,

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