Hello, I understand your concern. Miscarriage is nothing but a loss of fetus before the 20 th week of pregnancy .It is also called as spontaneous abortion where women misses her menstrual period or even knows she is pregnant. Usually you will have bleeding from light to heavy, severe cramps, abdominal pain, back pain, fever and weakness. Miscarriage is caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the baby if it occurs during the first trimester. It is usually caused by infection, hormonal problems, uterine abnormalities, incompetent cervix, diabetes, thyroid, lifestyle factors .If you suspect that you had a miscarriage, you should be seen by a gynecologist and confirm about the miscarriage. If the miscarriage is complete, no further treatment is necessary. If it is not emptied, then a procedure known as D & C has to be performed for complete evacuation of the fetus. I would suggest you to consult your obg-gyn doctor. Thank you.