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Dilated kidneys of fetus

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Hello sir , Yesterday my wife has been taken to Scanning center for 24 th week pregnency scanning , where the scanning center person mentioned the following things in his report
1.Dialated kidneys for the baby ,, what does that mean & what are the things to be done now

Category: Pediatric Nephrologist

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Category: Pediatric Nephrologist
 20 Doctors Online


There is an obstruction to the flow of urine down the urinary tract. It can be either on one side or both the sides. When both the tubes( ureters) are dilated ( swollen) means there is " block" below the level of urinary bladder. It happens in boys and is called as posterior urethral valves. But a condition called reflux disease also can have such a Report in ultra sound and both the conditions can be evaluated and treated after the birth only.

There is need for caution, but no need for excess worry. Please have regular follow up with your Obstetrician. Once the baby is born your Doctor will recommend Urology / Pediatric Surgery consultation.

Hope this helps.
Thank you

Patient replied :

dear sir,

what are the problems faced by baby born with single kidney

what are the probable causes for the situation

what are the immediate & future precautions to be taken

is there any effect of this single kidney on the life of the child

if the baby is a girl , will there be any effect on the girl's progeny in her later years ?


Thanks for the follow-up.

Usually, we require at least one kidney to take care of our needs.though not every one born with a single kidney get into some kidney disease in life, a small group of people might develop high blood pressure, protein loss in urine and slowly chronic kidney disease.

We can prevent the occurrence if such complications by avoiding animal protein, weight gain and avoiding smoking etc.

Women with a single kidney can be like men and can have normal pregnancy. There are people in sixties and seventies with a single kidney since birth.we can not discriminate a child based on a single kidney as unhealthy despite the fact that there may be chance of kidney disease somewhere in the forties.

Hope this helps.

Dr. Sree Bhushan Raju
Category: Pediatric Nephrologist
FISN : Fellowship of Indian Society of Nephrology(ISN), 2012
FIACM : Fellowship of Indian Association of Clinical Medicin(IACM), 2012
FICP: Indian College of Physicians Association of Physicians of India, 2012
Fellowship: DM, DNB, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 2002
Residency: MD, General Medicine, Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, 1998
Medical School: MBBS, Gandhi Medical College, 1994
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