Thanks for your question and concern. As you have told that you have got the tests done twice so you shouldn’t worry about any STD now. But I would like to know if you have undergone the complete hepatitis B as there are various antigens and antibodies that help you detecting the hepatitis B and the most powerful one is HIV who can detect the hepatitis B within a time period of 6 months. You need to make sure that you have been tested by all the antigens and antibodies that help detecting hepatitis B. You need to consult your doctor regarding those small lymph nodes that are painless and have developed on your neck. You need to make sure that there are no blood clots in your urine otherwise you may have any STD such as herpes as you must have seen in the pics of herpes. You need to get yourself tested for gonorrhea, chlamydia as well as herpes that are HSV. EBV virus is very unlikely in your case because it gets detected within a few weeks only. You need to undergo STDs tests as there are different STDs that don’t show up the symptoms and can only be detected through the blood tests. You can also ask your doctor to explain you about herpes along with the demonstration from the pics of herpes so that it becomes extremelyclear to you. Take care.