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Dehydrated, constipated even on MAGNESIUM CUTRATE. What to do?

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I'm a 47 year old male, very healthy, no medicines and clear medical history. About 2 weeks ago, I returned from a business trip exhausted and somewhat dehydrated. I became constipated, bloated, and uncomfortable because of it.

Over the next week, it continued. I ate carefully but the same volume of food, but it just kept filling me up with nothing passing through. Each day became more an more uncomfortable. I finally resorted to Phillips Milk of Magnesia, Dulcolax, and a few other overnight remedies with little result (some, but not enough for complete relief). Once the medication wore off I was back to constipation again.

I'm not normally a medication guy at all, but will take if necessary. I haven't seen a doctor yet regarding this.

It's now 2 weeks after the trip and, feeling very uncomfortable, I too a bottle of Magnesium Citrate. 4 hours later it's obviously liquified everything inside me and some is coming out, albeit slowly. It's obviously quite uncomfortable with lots of gurgling, some minor cramping, etc. but at this point I'll take it. I am concerned, however, that once it has taken its course I will once again start the cycle over with more constipation.

My questions: should I stop eating altogether for a while to let my body re-adjust itself, for maybe 2 or 3 days of just a light, liquid diet? Or should I resume eating how I normally did? What suggestions/advice do you have for getting my system back to normal?

Any advice is helpful and appreciated. Thanks!

Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 29 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at

I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
Change in routine, change in diet and dehydration all have lead to your constipation.
You should not stop eating all together or have only liquid diet.
Have your normal diet.
Include high fiber food items.
Eat more of fruits,vegetables,salads.
Drink enough fluids.
Make sure you are no longer dehydrated. A good urine output and a moist tongue are indicators of good hydration.
You can take fiber supplements like metamucil. Since fiber supplements take sometime to act you can take Miralax initially.
I hope that answers your question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.


Patient replied :

Thank you for your answer. I am still having very limited success or relief from this. I have literally not have any digestional issues for at least 3 years so this is all new to me. After 2 weeks, I am still suffering from quite a bit of bloating, some minor pain in the abdomen, and constipation (and I can even feel some minor pain in my back). I've done a couple of rounds of Ducolax and Milk of Magnesia, and one bottle of Magnesium Citrate, which gave limited temporary relief, followed by continued bloating.
I'm not sure how to proceed. I can function and go about my daily routine, although it's uncomfortable. Can you let me know if I should be taking any further medications, focusing on different foods, or should I go to the doctor? I've tried to eat somewhat normally over the past week, hoping my body would be back on track, but it's still not functioning properly.

As suggested in my previous post you can take Miralax to help with your bowel movements.
As far as the abdominal bloating is concerned you can take either Levosulpiride or Reglan.
Continue with your normal diet.

Patient replied :

Thank you. Is Miralax and Reglan prescription medication? If so, how do I get it?

No, you do not need prescription for it.
It is available over the counter
You can get it from any local pharmacy.

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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