Cramping, back pain, nausea with PCOS. Chances of pregnancy.

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Resolved question:
I am 23 and my fiancĂ© 37, I have been on metformin for two months now for my PCOS, which is working very well. My partner has a reversal done nearly 9 weeks ago. I am now 3 days late for my period, have sore breasts, occasional cramping, lower back pain, nausea  and keep getting negative pregnancy tests. I know I ovulated this cycle as I have been using a monitor, but do not want to be too optimistic! 

Please help

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query at

PCOS is commonly associated with delayed and irregular cycles.
What is your height and weight ?
Alongwith it, conditions like stress, anxiety, exercise, smoking,
drinking, late nights, erratic eating, weight changes, travelling,
change in climate , altitude etc - all this can cause delayed cycles
PCOS can have associated delayed ovulation, hence repeat a pregnancy
test after a week too.

What exactly do you need help with ?
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.

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Patient replied :

I was wondering if it is possible to be pregnant, and if it's possible to have a period whilst being pregnant. I wouldn't like to assume that I was straight away just because I have missed a period, after it's regulated. I wanted to know how much of it could be due to medication. My height is 5"4 and weigh 13st after losing my 5% weight as recommended

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 3 Days.

No its not possible to have a period whilst being pregnant.
Metformin regulates symptoms of PCOS, it does not lead to menstrual delay.
Feel free to discuss further,

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