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could you please suggest some medication?

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Hi Doc, my mom is 45 years old and she has this problem, she has been experiencing lot of mood swings these days, she gets depressed very often, feels weak and complaints of body pains all the time. She keeps sweating, complaints of head ache, sleeplessness, and forgetfulness. She says she has cancer and that she is not gonna live long. Is my mother alright? Do I have to take her to a psychiatrist? Doctor could you please suggest some medication?

Category: Sexologist

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 28 Doctors Online

Hello, thanks for writing to us,

I can understand how difficult it could be to experience your mom's condition. From the history, it is clear that she is in peri-menopausal age group and she has been experiencing the menopausal symptoms. This is a natural phenomenon in all women when they reach mid 40s and early 50s.

Peri-menopause is a period 3-4 years prior to the occurrence of menopause. This time period is associated with mild ovarian hormonal deficiency leading to absence of ovulation and menstrual disorders, and psychological disturbances. This is a phase of adjustment between active and inactive ovarian function and occupies several years of woman's life, and involves physical, sexual, and psychological adjustments.

Menopause normally begins between ages of 44 and 52; the average being 48. There are variations in the hormone levels, especially estrogen which is responsible for many normal activities like reproductive function, skeletal function, memory related activity etc. The following symptoms are attributed to the waning levels of estrogens;

  • Hot flushes
  • Sweating
  • Cancer phobia
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Sleeplessness
  • Memory difficulties
  • Lack of concentration
  • Head ache
  • Weakness in the bones

Many other symptoms like osteoporosis where bones become fragile and fractures occur easily,are seen during this phase. Family support and physician's counseling is of utmost importance. Apart from general health check up, tests to rule out heart problems, diabetes, hypertension, pelvic examination, mammography, ultrasound, bone density and pap smear may be advisable to assure your mother's good health.

Hope this helps.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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