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Could I have an inner ear infection?

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for the past three weeks certain times of the day early morning from 3 AM to 9 AM, roughly I have been feeling, dizziness, and feeling like wanting to pass out at times. I've seen my regular doctor. He thinks it could be a multitude of different things may be inner ear infection, which he does not see low blood sugar, etc. he does not see any red flags, so to speak. I am confused?

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 29 Doctors Online

Hello, when you say feel dizzy, that means either you have vertigo, have problems or feeling faint, feeling lightheaded or feeling weak or feeling unsteady or feel confused. The cause of being dizzy in some, are common, rare or serious and life threatening. It depends whether you feel this dizziness while lying down. First and foremost is to rule out diabetes. If you are not a diabetic then it could be an inner ear problem, whether is it associated with headache, blurred vision, disorientation, nausea, vomiting, impairment in hearing, diarrhea, fear, anxiety, feels tired, depressed and so on. These symptoms may come and go or may last for a longer period. Hence you should seek the advice of your G.P. first and go through various laboratory tests to know the real cause and get it treated as early as possible. Dizziness may be due to Labyrinthitis, vestibular neuronitis, benign paroxysmal positioned vertigo, and perilymph fistula. An otorhinolaryngologist should assess all these conditions and sometimes medications can also give raise to dizziness. A viral or bacterial infection, head injury, blood circulation disorders, low blood pressure, arthritis, eye muscle imbalance, but sometimes no cause is found. Hence, it is better you get examined by your G.P first or he may refer you to a ENT specialist to find out what is causing your problems and advise you accordingly. Thank you.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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