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Cough, streak of blood in phlegm, smoker. LUNG CANCER?

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Lung cancer fear. Hi I am 30 years old, female, recently stopped smoking, smoked less than 10 a day since around age 16, with a few years break here and there.
Anyway, I had a cough about a month ago and noticed there was a little streak of blood in my phlegm once. Anyway my cough cleared up fine after just a couple of days. I became quite paranoid and started actively trying to draw mucus into my throat to check for blood, by sucking really hard, although I actually feel it comes down the back of my throat rather than up.
Then I had a weekend where I smoked a lot, I was away with some friends and I notice my mucus had some grey/black bits in it and assumed it was tar. I decided to quit smoking anyway.
Yesterday I noticed again a small streak of red blood in my phlegm, there was also a small amount of blood in my nose. I’m really worried that I could have lung cancer, or could it from trying to get mucus up so much that I have damaged a blood vessel? I really don’t want to rush off to the doctors if there is no need to do so, because tests ect only make me more anxious.
I do not have a cough anymore and no other complaints.

Category: ENT Specialist

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Category: ENT Specialist
 25 Doctors Online


Thank you for posting your query at

I can understand your problem.

Your xray is nearly normal, there is very small fracture line in post part of nasal bone but it is not complete and there is no displacement. Only a displaced fracture needs reduction and treatment, in your case you don't require any treatment for same. Bleeding from nose is very common without post operative status also as mucosa is very thin and vascular, so this will also improve. Still can get opinion from your ENT surgeon, let him examine with endoscope so he will able to reassure with more confidence.

Hope this helps

Best regards

Dr. Sunil Jalan

Patient replied :

Thank you very much for your response. I do have an appointment to see my ENT later this week, as I can hardly breathe out of my right nostril. My nose now has a different shape, though that isn't terribly upsetting. I am concerned about my septum, however. My main question is that the x-ray shows striations or lines below the nasal bone, and I would like to know what those are. I've viewed other lateral X-rays and do not see them. So, as my original question indicated, what are those lines on the xray? My septum, cartiledge damage, or artifact from the surgery?

This Striations below nasal bone may be fracture in septal cartilage, but it is
difficult to comment on cartilage finding based on xray. we can see these lines
because xray is very good quality.
It is difficult to say whether this is due to
trauma or due to surgical trauma also, but trauma on cartilage during surgery is
not common. But if there is no significant swelling on septum (collection of blood
between septal cartilage and mucosa) then it doesn't require any treatment.So if
you do not have significant nasal obstruction then nothing to worry.
Feel free to discuss further,
Hope this helps
Best regards

Dr. Sunil Jalan
Category: ENT Specialist
DAA (Diploma in asthma and allergy) : Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2012
D.N.B (ENT), 2011
Residency - M.S. (Master post graduate degree in otorhinolaryngology),  Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2009
D.L.O. (Diploma in otorhinolaryngology) - Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2007
Medical School - M.B.B.S, S.P. Medical college, Bikaner, 2004
Dr. Sunil Jalan and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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