Constant tiredness, MIGRAINE and unable to physically aroused.

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I am a 23 year old female who suffers from constant tiredness. I sleep enough, but always feel the need to take a nap. I have seen doctors about this for about 10 years now, and no one seems to have an answer as to why I can sleep 12 hours, then need more sleep. I've been advised to sleep more, sleep less, vary sleeping habits, eat better, exercise more. I'm an extremely healthy woman who is just tired all the time. I've seen a sleep specialist, who ruled out sleep apnea, but didn't test for narcolepsy. I've done every blood test under the sun, and none come back abnormally. I am trying to get a referral to see a neurologist, but no one in the medical world I've come in contact with feels the need for me to see someone. I worry that something major may be going on in my head. I also get severe migraines about once a week, they feel like someone is stabbing my eyeballs from the inside of my head. I also get migraines in the frontal area of my head. I suffer from a sudden loss of sex drive, which happened about two years ago. My marriage is fine, I just don't feel physically aroused anymore. Even when we do have sex, I can't get physically ready for it.
Do you have any ideas as to what could be causing my symptoms?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Neurologist, Medical

Expert:  Dr. Sudhir Kumar replied 4 Days.


Thank you for posting your query at

I have noted your details, and it is unfortunate that you have suffered for so long, despite seeing several doctors. Moreover, no diagnosis has been reached.

You would benefit from a neurology consultation. Besides a detailed neurological examination, doing an MRI of brain would also be useful. The centres for sleep is located in hypothalamus. Sex drive is also regulated by brain besides the mood for it and the hormones.

As you mentioned, you should be also tested for narcolepsy by doing median sleep latency test (MSLT).

I hope it helps.

Best wishes,
Dr Sudhir Kumar MD DM (Neurology)

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