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One day, my friend was dying my hair then my back was sore. Over time, my back became more and more sore. I went and got x-ray's done and it turns out I have mild compression fractures in the T7 and T9. I don't remember an injury and I'm only a 26 year old female. I am very stressed and worried I could have cancer or maybe osteoporosis? Also, three months ago I got a stress fracture in my foot from training for a half marathon.

Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

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Category: Spine Surgeon
 28 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
I have read your question with diligence.
It is not very common to have fracture of thoracic vertebrae without reason at your age.As you also had a recent fracture then it looks that you may have either vitamin D deficiency or severe grade of osteoporosis.At first instance i will advice you to have your vitamin d levels checked.You should have blood estimation of vitamin D ,serum calcium ,serum phosphorus & serum alkaline phosphatase levels.You should also have test for BMD which checks the osteoporosis.
At this stage you should get your self evaluated from your orthopaedic doctor without delay. Kindly get back to me with the reports and I will guide you further.
Hope this all will help you.
With best wishes.

Patient replied :

Hi, I got some blood tests and a DEXA scan. My doctor said the results came back and I have strong bones and no osteoporosis. She told me I don't need any other referrals (she is my primary doctor). Do you agree? Also, I seem to hear my back cracking a lot lately. I'll attach blood results.

From your report it is evident that you has low serum vitamin D level.I have not received reports of serum alkaline phosphatase.Looking at this report it looks that some type of physical stress at work or in routine may only be the cause of your compression fracture at T7/T9.If you did not had any excessive physical stress then you should have a MRI scan to check that T7/T9 had fractured or there was other reason for that.

Patient replied :

I had an MRI done, and they found a disc spur complex. What does that mean? Should I ask for a referral to a specialist? I attached results.
EXAM DATE: 2/26/2015 4:45 PM
Mid back pain.
T2 cervical and thoracic localizer. T1, T2, and fat-suppressed sagittal and T1 and T2 weighted transaxial images.
The cervical spine shows no significant abnormality. The spinal cord is intact. No active fracture is seen. Scattered Schmorl's nodes are seen in the mid and lower thoracic spine.
There is a posterior disc spur complex indenting into the anterior aspect of the spinal cord, T8-T9. Slight deformity of the anterior surface of the spinal cord is seen due to disc spur complex at T11-12. Other scattered degenerative spurs are appreciated.
Multiple tiny cysts are seen in the left kidney with a single dominant cyst in the posterior aspect of the right kidney. No other paraspinal mass is seen in the aorta is unremarkable.
Final Report Electronically Signed By: Arthur Dublin, M.D. on 2/27/2015 8:01 AM

I have read your reports.It looks that you are having mild compression of your cord at thoracic region.The thoracic spine have less space for cord so any compression at this level may produce early neurological symptoms in distal area.You may ask for specialist referral on this ground.
It is better to review your reports with a neurologist.
Hope this will help you.

Dr. Mukesh Tiwari
Category: Spine Surgeon
Fellowship - Khandaka Hospital, Jaipur
Residency - MS, Rabindranath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, 2000
Medical School, Internship - MBBS, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, 1995
Dr. Mukesh Tiwari and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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