Thank you for your consult.
I went through your reports. I assume that there has been mild progression in your case with tumor infiltrating the nearby colon which may be confirmed during the surgical procedure. However by improved surgical methods, the surgeons would be able to remove the tumor in toto. Kindly be assured. However, in case of adherent tumor, additional surgical procedure may be needed to remove the tumor completely. He might require chemotherapy based on the final pathology report.
I would advice you to meet physician regarding controlling chest infections and other ailments to fasten physical fitness for surgery.
Best wishes and sincere prayers for speedy recovery. Happy to answer any more queries.
Patient replied :
What do you mean by adherent tumor?
Also does this mean tumor has invaded kidney?
CT scan is an image of the body taken in horizontal sections. The term "increased contact" reported in CT scan suggests that the tumor "may" be in contact with kidneys but radiologically it "may" not be categorically defined. An additional imaging like MRI may be needed but it may further delay the "definitive" surgical procedure. I would suggest you meet your physician to treat your ailments hindering surgery and get soon to remove the tumor.
Patient replied :
Thx What do you mean by adherent tumor? Also does this mean tumor has invaded kidney?
CT scan is an image of the body taken in horizontal sections. The term "increased contact" reported in CT scan suggests that the tumor "may" be in contact with kidneys but radiologically it "may" not be categorically defined. An additional imaging like MRI may be needed but it may further delay the "definitive" surgical procedure. I would suggest you meet your physician to treat your ailments hindering surgery and get soon to remove the tumor.
Patient replied :
Thx What do you mean by adherent tumor? Also does this mean tumor has invaded kidney?