Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
Could you please describe your chest pain in a bit detail? Is the thud a heaviness or choking sensation. Is it vague and diffuse or is it localised. Does it increase by walking. Does it increase by deep inhalation? Is it accompanied by sweating or nausea or breathlessness. Are you hypertensive diabetic smoker alcohol consumer. Do you have a famioy history of young heart diseases.
The least you can do now is to get a ecg done rightaway and you could upload it for me to see.
Dr Vivek Mahajan
DM Cardiology
Patient replied :
I do have hypertension I am on 20mg of lisinopril, b/p has been well maintained for 5 years, no history of Diabetes, non-smoker, and I do not drink alcoholic beverages, as for the thud in my chest it literally feels like my heart itself thumps like ba-da hard then the pain is sharp and I feel like I can't catch my breath, this only lasts for a couple of seconds,then there is this light pressure in the center of my chest. Yes, I do have a family history of young heart disease, ( my mother had to had a quadruple by-pass at age 50. Also strokes run in the family as well