Chances that a technical virgin gets pregnant through layers of clothes

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I have been feeling strange ever since I messed around with my ex. Just to clarify, I am a technical virgin, however we did get pretty close (there were always at least 2 layers of clothing in between us). I haven't yet missed a period, although it has been heavier, and I've had some strange cramping and abdomen tenderness when I'm not on my period that definitely isn't just in my head. Oh, and the last time we were together was about a month ago, and I've gotten my period since then. Just to be sure, I've since taken four at home pregnancy tests, the first the day before I got my period, and the rest a few days after my period ended, and they've all come back negative. However, I still feel strange. I've been urinating more frequently, and have had more gas as well. I would really like to put my mind at rest and know if it's not possible that I'm pregnant, what I do have?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

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Patient replied :

Thank you for your answer. It was the right to the point answer I was looking for. Regarding my abdominal pain- it's gotten worse since I wrote to you. I've had rather painful cramping in my sides and lower abdomen since yesterday and have been nauseous to the point of it being difficult to fall asleep. Earlier this summer I experienced similar symptoms but they went away slightly, with only relatively painless cramps once in a while. Oh, and I just recently finished my period. I've also noticed that I am a lot more bloated and that I have occasionally found it hard to hold my urine. Now that my mind is at rest about me not being pregnant, what do you think could be wrong? I've done some research and the symptoms lead to a load of things like appendicitis, irritable bowel syndrome (whatever that really is), lactose intolerance,bowel infection (although I went to a doctor earlier this summer after feeling badly and took urine, stool, and blood tests- everything negative), and whats seems to be everything else under the sun. Can you shed any insight into what I can do to not feel this way again? Thank you again; you are very helpful.

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 3 Days.


I can think of the following possibilities that fit the picture you describe -
1. You might be expecting your period, and so, you are PMSing ( having premenstrual symptoms ).
2. Pelvic infection could present in this way, it would not be diagnosed by specific tests, but after check up by a gynecologist, and vaginal swabbing.
3. Bowel infection, that is mild infection in the gut - again diagnosed by clinical examination by a doctor, in this situation, stick to home cooked bland food, have lots of yoghurt.
4. Urinary infection.
5. Appendicitis is a last option.
6. Irritable bowel syndrome would make you generally have diarrhoea and constipation alternately.

To differentiate between these conditions, it is obvious that you need a thorough evaluation by a Specialist.

Schedule an appointment for the same.
Take care.

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Patient replied :

I think this is my last follow up question. Well, even though in my mind I know I could not be pregnant, for some reason, I just feel like I could be. I have no idea why, either. Is there any way, any way at all, that I could be from what I described above? The past few days I've been feeling really bloated, bloated enough to actually look pregnant, and if it's just gas, it's horribly ill timed gas. I've been having some diarrhea, much more frequent urination, as well as gas, and much more discharge than normal that's opaque. The reason I'm so paranoid about the pregnancy thing is because I've heard things like: sometimes at home pregnancy tests don't work at all for some people, some people still get their periods while pregnant, and that people can get pregnant through two layers of clothing. I don't know if these are just urban myths, but I can't seem to find a solid answer on any of these questions anywhere. As a trained professional, can you tell me if any of these "myths" are true, and if so, is there any actual way to tell if you're pregnant or not? I usually don't get bothered by health issues much, so the fact that this is really bothering me worries me even more. Can you please just give me the straight facts about what can and can't happen to pregnant people, and why I could be feeling pregnant even though as you stated before, I am not? Thanks.

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 2 Days.

Regarding the ' myths '
1. Home pregnancy tests are 97 % reliable in all cases.
2. Yes, people do continue to have periods or bleeding sometimes even if pregnant.
3. Pregnancy through 2 layers of clothing is unheard of.
Now, IF you were pregnant, the only reliable way to diagnose it ( more reliable than a home test ) is
1. Blood B HCG test.
2. Pelvic transvaginal ultrasound.
If these two are normal, there is NO WAY IN THE WORLD that you could be pregnant.
Regarding your undue anxiety, I would just call it that - undue anxiety.
Stressing out over a possible pregnancy is common in young women.
I urge you not to do that, and just as a last resort, get an ultrasound and blood test which will be indelible proof that you are NOT pregnant.
Take care.

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