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Cause for my one PUPIL larger than other.

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I have recently noticed that my left pupil seems to be a lot larger than my right one at times. It seems to be most obvious in dim lighting, I've taken pictures of them with the flash on to check the response and both pupils shrink to a very small size as they normally would do. The left one only seems larger in that instance by a minuscule difference.

I am quite short sighted and wear contact lenses to correct this.

There are no symptoms apart from one which is quite worrying for me. In the past month or so I've noticed a difference to my sight in the darkness. At night when in bed the room is very dark, and after looking at my phone for a while when I put it down the affected eye felt strange. In the vision of that eye there was a shadow, completely blocking the centre of my vision. When I closed that eye and looked through the other I could see a lot more clearly with no black shadow. Yet when I turned the lights on my vision was completely normal. This has happened twice to the eye which concerns me, although it did happen once in the right eye a few months ago.

I have an appointment at the opticians in a few days to check up on this, but for now I would like to know any probable causes for this problem?

I hope I was clear in my description

Many thanks

Category: Ophthalmologist

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Category: Ophthalmologist
 28 Doctors Online

Hello. Thanks for your query at
Dear Sir,
The response that you have mentioned is just normal. The pupil size can vary in-between the two eyes of the same person , secondly if you talk about the blur , that is also normal , this is a normal phenomenon that if we move from a brighter area to a darker area we take long to adjust, this is called dark adaptation . Since no one checks the either eye so one does not know the time difference taken by each eye . I hope i was able to answer your question & satisfy you
Please feel free to discuss further.

Dr Manish Malhotra
Consultant Eye Surgeon
Manna Clinic ,1367 Rani Bagh
Delhi -34

Dr. Manish Malhotra
Category: Ophthalmologist
Fellowship: L. V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad
Fellow Pediatric Ophthalmology & Squint (L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad)
Medical School, Residency: MBBS, DOMS, FLVPEI, Nagpur university, 1995
Dr. Manish Malhotra and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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