Cause for cramping, stabbing pain in stomach after food.

Resolved question:
Hi, i have these blood test results and feel unwell

also started getting cramping pains in my stomach and stabbing pains after food with some light burning sensation

passing normal stools although were slightly green before

serum ferritin 293 ug/l
thyroid function test serum TSH level 4.6 mU/L
serum free t4 level 15.1

sereum ALT level 79 u/l

total white cell count 7.7 10*9/L
red blood cell count 6.95 10*12/L
mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 61.9 fl
Red blood cell distribute width 17.2%

feel cold lately unwell, bit sick and more then anything worried but random stomach pains and green stools occasionally

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Endocrinologist

Expert:  Dr. J Muthukrishnan replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
I have reviewed your blood reports and the pain seems to be colicky pain, secondary to infection.
All the test reports are normal, and that is an encouraging sign.
I will recommend a course of antibiotic and anti amebic for you. If the pain subsides, its fine. If it doesn't you need to get an endoscopy done, to rule out ulcers.
1) Tab. Ciplox 500 mg twice daily for 5 days.
2) Tab. Albendazole 400 mg, one single dose at bed time.
3) Cap. Omeprazole 20 mg, once daily before breakfast.
4) Syp. Sucralfate 2 teaspoons after meals for 5 days.
Kindly take this medicines, and your pain should resolve. You will need prescription from your local doctor for the same.
Let me know if you have any other queries,

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Patient replied :

I'm also suffering bad anxiety another doctor suggested in could be under active throid ?

i also have fatty liver and my alt of 79 am told is high and so us my ferritin of 293 ? Told should be max 160 ?
Feel weak and depressed , another doctor also suggest auto immune disease ?


Expert:  Dr. J Muthukrishnan replied 3 Days.

Thank you for your response.

Ferritin can be high in any infection. So with the course of antibioics prescribed, it should be back to normal.

Mildly elevated ALT does not indicate liver disease. Intestinal infection may also be the reason for this raise.

As for the fatty liver, you need to work at the cause which might be obesity, excess intake of alcohol, diabetes etc. Losing weight if obese, cutting down alcohol and if Diabetic, strict control of sugars are the measures needed. With appropriate measures, fatty liver can be reversed.

Your thyroid levels are normal and your thyroid is not under active.

I so no reason to suspect any autoimmune disease at this point.

And for the anxiety, I would first recommend de-stressing measures like meditation, yoga, a favorite sport/activity etc regularly to bring down your stress levels and counter the anxiety.
Please also take the treatment recommended before and you shall find relief.


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