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Order ID: 315825

Hello I am a 31 year old women that got my first menstrual cycle at 10 years old and 5 years after that I was told I had polycystic ovarian cysts or symdrome . I've been having irregular and painful periods all my life even though that my 3 pregnancies have improve a little. But a couple of months ago I started with a headache that will not go away with over the counter meds and I went to see a neurologist she did a physical and she send me to do a ft scan with contrast. Thankfully it was okay.but a couple of months after that I had my Obgyn physical due and a couple of days prior to the visit I felt with a little heat around my neck and face it was mild that people will hardly see it but I felt hot around my cheeks and ears and neck. It comes and goes I sometimes sweat and have chills but cannot recall if its associated or not because I will be sleeping and fell sweating not that much but a b I told all this to my Obgyn and he told me I was too young to be having pretty menopause symptoms. He then send lab work for me for hormone panel and a chromogranin A test that when he explains what it was for and with all the research I have done online I so afraid that have depression, I can't sleep at night I spend all day on the internet and I getting more confused and scared with what I read.please help me. I know that I have to wait for the result but I am.going crazy and the more I think about it the more.symptoms I feel. I also noticed that those people that have any of those neuroendocrine and adrenal tumors have a deep red flush face and neck with patches that is not my case at all but I'm still scared. Please please I don't smoke, I don't have high blood pressure I'm pretty healthy. I am 5 ft 0 inches and weight 166lbs. I know I sound like I'm repeating my self but since you cannot see me I have to explain as much as possible. Every time I feel like my face and ears are hot I look in the mirror and sometimes you don't see anything other times you see a very light pink across my cheeks. That's it I don't know if that's a kind of flush that will be associated with any neuroendocrine or adrenal tumor symptom. I was also reading online that pheochromocytoma tumors can produce a flight or fight response I don't know if that what I can possibly have since my chromogranin A came back negative for other tumors that produce that same flushing and burning sensation I have all day, I also can't stop my mind to worry about this all day and I spend times checking my self out for any redness because I body weird that is hot.

Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 28 Doctors Online

Thanks for your query at
I understand what you are going through.
First of all you should not fear and make yourself anxious just by reading information on the internet unless diagnosis of a particular disease is made.
Stress and anxiety may itself cause hot flushes.
If you have a history of taking medications for e.g pain killers, tamoxifen, nitrates, calcium channel blockers, danazol, chlorpropamide etc. What drugs are you taking for PCOD?
Hyperthyroidism may be another cause. TSH level measurement is warranted.
Carcinoid tumors may have cutaneous symptoms like you have. Check levels of serotonin, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid [5-HIAA], catecholamines, histamine with the help of your doctor.
Do workup for your estrogen, LH, FSH levels
Feel free to discuss further

Patient replied :

I don't take anything for my polycystic ovarian syndrome. The only thing I take its flexeril 10 mg for migraine. Neurologist prescribe this to me because she said I had migraine symptoms. I send you lab work I got done for hormone panel and chromogranin A test. Those lab test should have not ruled out any of the tumors you mentioned above.

I have got your labs. Thanks
Those are withing normal range.
They though do not rule out carcinoid or pheochromocytoma probability of you having these tumors is very less.
Your TSH is also normal. That rules out hyperthyroidism.
But, you are taking Flexeril which in a very few cases may cause hot flushes.
Try replacing this medicine with another anti-migraine drug. That might help alleviate your symptoms. Talk to your neurologist about it.
Hope it was helpful

Patient replied :

I have got your labs. Thanks
Those are withing normal range.
Though they do not rule out carcinoid or pheochromocytoma, probability of you having these tumors is very less.
Your TSH is also normal. That rules out hyperthyroidism.
But, you are taking Flexeril which in a very few cases may cause hot flushes.
Try replacing this medicine with another anti-migraine drug. That might help alleviate your symptoms. Talk to your neurologist about it.
Hope it was helpful

I have got your labs. Thanks
Those are within normal range.
Though they do not rule out carcinoid or pheochromocytoma, probability of you having these tumors is very less.
Your TSH is also normal. That rules out hyperthyroidism.
But, you are taking Flexeril which in a very few cases may cause hot flushes.
Try replacing this medicine with another anti-migraine drug. That might help alleviate your symptoms. Talk to your neurologist about it.
Hope it was helpful

Patient replied :

I don't take anything for my polycystic ovarian syndrome. The only thing I take its flexeril 10 mg for migraine. Neurologist prescribe this to me because she said I had migraine symptoms. I send you lab work I got done for hormone panel and chromogranin A test. Those lab test should have not ruled out any of the tumors you mentioned above.

I have got your labs. Thanks
Those are within normal range.
Though they do not rule out carcinoid or pheochromocytoma, probability of you having these tumors is very less.
Your TSH is also normal. That rules out hyperthyroidism.
But, you are taking Flexeril which in a very few cases may cause hot flushes.
Try replacing this medicine with another anti-migraine drug. That might help alleviate your symptoms. Talk to your neurologist about it.
Hope it was helpful

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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