Thanks for your query at DoctorSpring.com
Do you have any symptoms/illness?
Also, your counts look normal to me it's better you upload the reports for thorough evaluation.
Patient replied :
Thanks for your reply
I have mild acidity/abdominal pain since last few weeks.
I have attached copies of both the reports (april 18 and may 9).
The degree of change in wbc in last three weeks seems huge. (5.4 to 3.8)
Is that smething to worry about?
Can it be due to medicine i am taking (tecta -- pantoprazole)?
No, Tecta does not cause any drop in wbcs.
However, the wbc as well as platelet count may vary and counts may change even in a days' time.
There is nothing to worry about.
I will advise you to repeat the count after 1 month.
Hope this was helpful,
Patient replied :
Thanks for your reply.
One last follow up question: Today, I also received results for HEPA, B, and C antibodies.
Following are results:
Hepatitis A Ab Total DETECTED
Hepatitis B Surface Ab [HBsAb] 619.6
I had Hepatitis E 10 years back. For Hep B , I had received vaccination, but dont think I ever received vaccniation for HEP a. Do you think that HEP A - Detected - .in my case, is due to HEP E antibodies or an active infection
No, this seems like an active infection.
You need to follow a bland diet as of now, and you can take Liv 52 DS 2-0-1, 2 capsules in the empty stomach for a month, this infection will subside in a month's time provided you follow a healthy diet with more of green leafy vegetables and rest.