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I am a 20 year old male in college, about 5' 11" or so and 210 pounds. I'm slightly overweight and take a lot to fill up.

Recently, I have been working out a lot and in the mornings I have been taking Flintstones vitamins . Tonight, I had an extremely intense workout and thought that I'd drink a protein shake of some sort. I went to my local gas station and found "Muscle Milk", which I drank about 3/4 of.

I took the Flintstone's Vitamin at 10:30am this morning and took drank the 3/4 of the bottle of Muscle Milk at 1:15am tonight (around 15 hours later). I do not plan on taking a Flintstone's vitamin tomorrow morning.

That being said, while I was 3/4 of the way through the drink, I remembered in biology class where if you get too much of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), it can be poisonous.

I checked the percent daily values on each of the things (for a 2000 calorie diet), and here's what they said:

Flintstone's Vitamins (based on 2000 calorie diet, for one whole tablet, children 9 and older):
Vitamin A - 60%
Vitamin D - 150%
Vitamin E - 100%
Vitamin K - none listed

Muscle Milk (based on 2000 calorie diet, for one whole bottle though I only drank 3/4):
Vitamin A - 25%
Vitamin D - 25%
Vitamin E - 25%
Vitamin K - none listed

As you can see, both the vitamins D and E go over 100%, with the vitamin D being pretty scary in particular. I know that I obviously would take more than 2000 calories in one day, but nevertheless this still spooked me a bit.

Basically, I want to know if there should be any cause for concern since I intook so much Vitamin D and E in one day. They were 15 hours apart, so it's probably not a huge issue, but I wanted to know if there might be a problem. So far, I feel fine, nothing out of the ordinary (just tired and hot from the workout still a bit). If there might be cause for concern, I would like some consultation on what I might should do.

I read up on this and found that some of the symptoms of Vitamin D poisoning are nausea, vomiting, and confusion. The symptoms of Vitamin E poisoning are blotchy skin and increased bleeding. I have experienced none of those (though I just drank the muscle milk, so it has not been fully digested).

Again, it's probably not a big deal, but I want to know if it might be from someone who knows a bit more about this, and what I should do if it is. Thank you for your time.

- Austin

Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

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Thank you for posting your query at
I understand your concern.
Vitamins and proteins are extremely important nutrients for our muscle growth and overall well being. Normally a human body requires around 120 g of protein per day, and with high intensity work outs that quantity can go up to even 200-250 g, according to the schedule of the work out. So it is very difficult to first consume that much protein and even if you mange to do that it's not going to cause any major harm.
Now coming to vitamins, every vitamin is essential. But in your case you do not have any reason to worry. Excessive of any particular vitamin intake, say for example vitamin d can cause toxicosis features, only if consumed in excessive amounts over a period of time. In your case it's just one day and there is nothing to be worried about.
I will rather advise you that since you're working out and taking proteins, make sure you're adequately hydrated since if you don't drink enough water, some studies say, these supplements and excess protein can cause renal issues later in the life.
Please do not be worried.
Feel free to discuss further,

Patient replied :

Thank you for your reply Dr. Sebastian. So basically you're saying that vitamin overdosage can only occur if you consume excess amounts of a fat-soluble vitamin for days and days at a time?
Also, how much would you say is "too much?" I see that there are some numbers, but I don't really understand the units of measure that they are talking about.
- Austin

Thank you for the follow up.
There are four fat soluble vitamins. A,D,E,K
It is extremely difficult to take excessive quantities of A,E,K. Because their sources are limited and it can't be done with normal diet. It is more of a theoretical possibility.
Noe let's consider Vitamin D. As you know it is mainly manufactured in our body from sunlight. Dietary sources are again limited, but some exposure to sunlight is enough to manufacture adequate quantities of vitamin D.
It is very difficult to express it in units in exact way. However let me try. As you know old age people are prone for osteoarthritis. That happens because of low vitamin d levels in their blood due to old age, and we recommend around 60,000 IU- 1,20,000 units of vitamin d obtained from the capsule or injection they take.
Normally through your diet, for example, you consume tuna which has vitamin d, if you take around 4-5 portions of tuna you will have that much vitamin d in your body which is considerer adequate.
Toxicity will occur if it goes beyond 2,00,000 units consumed regularly over a period of two months. If we have to convert in dietary form around 10-12 portions of tuna consumed per day for 2 months, may cause toxicity.
As i said, it is very difficult to quantify and explain but in a nutshell toxicity is extremely difficult and can only happen if excessive amounts of vitamin d ( 2,00.000 IU ) per day is consumed for 2 months or more.
In your case, there is no such history and there is no reason to worry.

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
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