Can I take same AUGMENTIN for UTI again.

Resolved question:
Last week while travelling I experienced symptoms of a UTI. My gyno called in a prescription for Augmentin 1 g (875/125) Amoxicillin/ Clavulanic Acid. I took this 2x a day for 4 days until I got back and could see him in person. Once I got home and visited him, he tested my urine which came back clean. He told me to stop taking the antibiotics. One week later, the UTI symptoms came back. He gave me a new prescription for the same antibiotic but asked me to take it 2x a day for 10 days. The reason I am using this one again is because I am nursing my baby (only at night) and this is the safest antibiotic. He is testing my urine again, but the results will likely only come back in 3 days. My question is - do you think that it is okay to take the same antibiotic again or will I have developed resistance since it didn't work the first time? I hate taking antibiotics, but I don't know what else to do. Thanks for your help!

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for writing to with your health concern.
Just let me know one thing - was the antibiotic prescribed based on a urine culture and antibiotic sensitivity test ?
I would guide you further once I know that.
Take care.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

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Patient replied :

Hello - since I was travelling, I was not able to do a urine culture and antibiotic sensitivity test. I called my OB-GYN with my symptoms (pain when urinating, blood in pee) and we decided antibiotics would be the best course of action. They seemed to work as the pain subsided immediately and when I went to see him upon my return, he did a urine test and the results were clear. A few days after I saw him (and while I was on another business trip), the symptoms came back. I went to a doctor who took a urine sample to pinpoint the bacteria and appropriate antibiotic...and I am now awaiting the results, which will like take 3 days. In the meantime, my doctor has given me another prescription for Augmentin. Since I am still nursing my toddler at night, he said this is really the only "safe" antibiotic I can take. I took one this morning and already feel better. I am just really scared about resistance. I had to take the antibiotics two years old patientago for an ear infection and a throat infection. I just hate taking them, and am worried I will have to keep taking stronger ones if they aren't "killing" the right bacteria for this UTI which won't go away :(

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 3 Days.

Thank you for the follow up.
You are very correct in your logic.
Apart from Augmentin, there are various other antibiotics that are safe during breastfeeding.
Popping antibiotics for a UTI without a formal culture report is dangerous, you might be taking the antibiotics that the bacteria is not sensitive to, and thus exposing yourself to unnecessary side effects and resistance.
Do NOT take anything till you get the urine culture report.
Just take lots of fluids.
Please do not indiscriminately take Augmentin, these are serious drugs, and your concern for long term resistance is valid.
Await the culture report, and then upload it when you get it, and take culture - directed treatment.
Take care.

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Patient replied :

Ok thank you --- what about the one pill of Augmentin I took this morning?? Now that I have started, do I have to finish???
Please help!

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 2 Days.

Thank you for the follow up.
No do not take any more pills.
That one pill should not have been taken, but you cannot help it now.

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