Can HPV54 cause GENITAL WARTS unlike type6,18?

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Resolved question:
hi doctor, i have a question about hpv. Recently I have HPV tpye 54 positive. I had unclean sex 3 months ago and 8 months ago. Not sure which time caused me to have the HPV type 54 positive. I had done DNA check 2 months ago and 1 month ago, Both had HPV negative. However, in the recent check, I have positive result.

From my understanding genital warts are usually caused by type 6 and 11. Is there a large chance that hpv 54 will cause a genital wart? do we have any stats about that? I saw on internet that around 90% of genital warts are caused by type 6 and 11. Is it becuase most HPV people have are type 6 and 11? Or type 6 and 11 are proved to be more likely to cause genital warts than type 54?

Also, i heard usually our immune system will erase the virus itself within 1 to 2 year. is it true? How many times of checking I have to do again and results have to be negative, then it proves that I no longer have the virus?

Appreciate your help. Here i Also upload the recent result which says I have a HPV 54 positive. 


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Kalpana Pathak replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your query at I can understand your concern. Hpv 54 is a low-risk type hpv. it can cause genital warts. however, type 6 and 11 most commonly cause genital warts. The virus could at times get cleared on its own from your system, but there are chances that it may not and cause warts. If there are any warts then you need to get them treated from your doctor.
It will be good to improve the immunity by oral intake of zinc supplements.
You can repeat the tests to see if the virus is there or not in 3 months and see if its negative.
take care

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Patient replied :

Hi Doctor
one more quick question. if my immune system removes the virus automatically, am i still vulnerable to the hpv 54 virus? is the possibility of infection lower, the same or larger?

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