Can HPV cause bleeding during sex?

Resolved question:
I'm 25 yrs old and my last pap came abnormal. I'm on vacation out of the country and my Dr said it could wait, but I've been freaking out. Apparently I also tested positive for HPV and she will performed a coloscopy. I was on birth control or almost a year, but my mood changed a lot so I stopped taking it. Four months ago I missed my period for 2 months, and I started bleeding after sex, it only happens when I'm on top and there's friction with my cervix. Back then I got tested by gonorreah and clamydia but those came negative. During that visit, my Dr have me other birth control pills, lower on estregone, hoping to do not affect my mood. I started taking them but after a month I realized I was grumpy and I stopped taking them. After that period, I didn't have another one for 3 months. I came back to the Dr's office after 3 months for my regular paps and it was when it came abnormal :(
The bleeding during sex has deceased, it was never too heavy. Could it be accumulated blood from my missed periods? Could hormone changes be te result of a false positive for HPV? I'm also concerned cuz I've had oral and anal sex, would hpv affect these areas?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.


Thanks for writing to with your health concern.

You should realize that there is a whole spectrum of  ' abnormal ' as far as Pap smears are concerned.

Without really knowing the specific report, it would be precocious on my part to comment.

- Can you please upload the report ?

Short of the report, here is what I can tell you -

1. If the doctor said it can wait, it can. It must be a low grade abnormal pap.

2. With an abnormal pap and positive HPV, yes, colposcopy is the next recommended step.

3. Do not freak out, if it had been something as bad as cancer, she would not have said it could wait.

4. Please mention your age .

5. Post coital bleeding is a common symptom that corelates with an abnormal pap, it could indicate a low grade lesion on the cervix, infection in the cervix etc.

6. The bleeding after sex is very less likely to be blood accumulated from the missed periods - the abnormal Pap points towards a specific reason for that problem.

7. Hormonal changes CANNOT lead to false positive for HPV.

8. Yes, HPV can affect the oral cavity and the anal area too.

All said and done, worrying wont help.

There IS no cause for worry until and unless you know the specifics of the report and have a colposcopy.

Please have protected sex, considering the positive report for HPV.

All the best.

Please feel free to discuss further.

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Patient replied :

I checked with my gyn and it seems like my paps' abnormality was the lowest one ASC-US or something like that, sorry I cant exactly remember.
My colposcopy and biopsy came all good :) however I still experience bleeding after intercourse and missing my periods. We are waiting until my next paps and she said we may do an ultrasound; since I recently tested for all STDS and all came negative.
The only tests we didnt run this time were chlamydia and gonorrhea, since we did them back in January, when I started with the bleeding, and they came back negative. My question is, could this test be a falste negative and thats why I'm having the bleeding? I've been with my boyfriend for over 2 years; however, we split up for a month and came back in November 2013, and I got tested in January 2014, was it too soon for the test to be accurate? Should I test again? How long after been with someone for the results to be accurate for these 2 stds?
Any other idea of what's causing the bleeding after intercourse?
Thanks, and have a nice day :)

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 3 Days.

The low grade abnormal Pap too can cause bleeding after intercourse.
To be tested for these two STDs, 6 weeks of exposure is enough.
I do not think there could be a false negative here.
You need an internal exam - per vaginum and per speculum, and also a pelvic ultrasound scan.
That would show any fibroid, polyp etc that could be causing the post coital bleeding. Take care.

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