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Can doctor diagnose PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIA, start medication in days?

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hi so the question is less than br greater than less than br greater than Can a "psychiatrist" withing "two days" diagnose a patient with Severe cas e of "Paranoid Schizopherina" and put her/him on medication? less than br greater than what are symptoms of paraniod schizophrenia? is it curable ? less than br greater than less than br greater than is "eccentric Behaviour and short temper" signs of have PS? less than br greater than

Category: Psychiatrist

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Yes, it is possible for a psychiatrist to diagnose a case of paranoid schizophrenia within a two days time. Moreover, if the symptoms are clear, it may take a good history of 1-2 hours and a good mental state examination of one hour to diagnose a case of paranoid schizophrenia. Paranoid schizophrenia, if it's a first episode of psychosis then there is a 33% cure rate. The Rest of the cases persist but can be controlled with the help of medications. Eccentric behavior and short temper are not the primary symptoms of schizophrenia but are frequently noticed among the patients of schizophrenia.
According to the revised fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR), to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, three diagnostic criteria must be met:

  1. Characteristic symptoms: Two or more of the following, each present for much of the time during a one-month period (or less, if symptoms remitted with treatment).< >DelusionsHallucinationsDisorganized speech, which is a manifestation of formal thought disorderGrossly disorganized behavior (e.g. dressing inappropriately, crying frequently) or catatonic behaviorNegative symptoms: Blunted affect (lack or decline in emotional response), alogia (lack or decline in speech), or avolition (lack or decline in motivation)If the delusions are judged to be bizarre, or hallucinations consist of hearing one voice participating in a running commentary of the patient's actions or of hearing two or more voices conversing with each other, only that symptom is required above. The speech disorganization criterion is only met if it is severe enough to substantially impair communication.
  2. Social or occupational dysfunction: For a significant portion of the time since the onset of the disturbance, one or more major areas of functioning such as work, interpersonal relations, or self-care, are markedly below the level achieved prior to the onset.
  3. Significant duration: Continuous signs of the disturbance persist for at least six months. This six-month period must include at least one month of symptoms (or less, if symptoms remitted with treatment).

Hope this helps,
In case if you have any further query, do let me know.
Kind regards
Dr. Srikanth Reddy

Dr. Srikanth Reddy
Category: Sexologist
Doctor of Medicine (MD), Psychiatry Residency Program,2001 – 2012
M.B.B.S,Mahatma Gandhi Institute Of Medical Sciences, Sevagram

Certificate Course in sex Therapy and Counselling, Sexology and Counselling, A
Sexology,Medikon Sexual Sciences, Mumbai

Training in Advanced Neurology at a leading corporate hospital (CARE hospital) in Hyderabad

Child Psychiatry Training in National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences, Bangalore

Sex Therapy and Counsellingat MEDIKON Sexual Sciences, Mumbai.
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