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Burning stomach, loss of appetite, vomiting with normal UPPERGI SCOPY.

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hello sir i am 30yrs 90kg weight i was having burning stomach ,heartburn ,bloating ,loss of appiteie,vominting feeling and i have vomit 1 time
when i have drink half bottle water only this is happening from 6 months i also cosume alchol occsanaliy so i visited my near gastro doctor he
has done endosopy in that its written esophagus show normal muscosage junction is at 40cm conclusion normal gastro duodenoscopy what does this
means also other blood test donein compllete haemogram monocytes 5.8 h is shown and liver function test ag ratio is 1.68 low is shown i have
attached all test endoscopy report my gastro doctor told that all is normal only said that as per ur height which 5.9 ue upper cm is less so we
have to do others type of scopy which around 9000/- but told me to take for 10days some presicbed medicine which rekool L and lycopom fortified
with lycopene vitamins and minerals is ti safe to take this medcine what are the benifets of taking this medicine or do they have any side
effects as i have seen in google that lycopene is for cancer patient others problem i face is i have sinus ,my bodyache,headache,cant
sleep till 3am so pl tell is everthing is normal or is thier any serious problem like canc er or something very serious which i have to care.

1-sir in endoscopy report esophagus shows normal mucosa ge junction is at 40 cm whats does this means as my gastro has suggest me to
take above medicine for 10 days and then he will see and advice me to do others menoscopy or not if that test is done then whehter
that also will be cure with medicine or i have to do operation and its compulsaory to do the above test if not done so will i face
any problem in future is this problem was form my birth as it or it has just devleloped now is it serious issue which i need to solve
now whats ur opinion.

2-in endoscopy in 2 picture can see some red mark is it ulcer

3- ag ratio is slightly change as u reply due to alchohol so it will be solve itself or i have take any medicine for it as i drink
alchohal only in 3 or 4 months and that to once is its also a serious issue

4- sir i feel heavyness in stomach , emty stomach gas and also gas coming after eating, burning in stomach ,acidity etc

5-when i sit to eat i can t eat more after eating i feel like vomit and fullness.

6-some time coming from out i suddenly dont feel like eating.

7-when i cough i feel vomiting

8-when i sneezing form my nose full vibration like from stomach to upper till chest i slight pain in stomach

9- 3 months ago when i have drink only water i vomitted within seconds that to only water.

10- loss of appittie i cant eat more like before

11- i short i dont feel like a normal stomach

12- i have sinus problem so cough water runs from my nose and settle in way of cough in my thorat

13- i cant sleep at night ,i have headache and bodyache i also feel burning in mouth ,tongue and gums

14-2yrs back i have done songarghpy in that fatty liver shown but after six months later i have done no fatty live only excess gas bowel
was shown and also endoscopy was done but its was normal not shown like in current endosocpy any esophagus shows normal muscosa ge junction
is at 40 cm

15- so u suggest is thier any other medicine i can take beside my doctor has given or just take what my doctor has given and will get relief
and others test which my doctor will suggest to do or its not necsarry now

Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 31 Doctors Online

Hi Yadnesh,
Thanks for posting your query at
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
I went through your post, your lab reports and your endoscopy report.
Everything looks absolutely fine.
Based on your symptoms it looks like you are having dyspepsia and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Both are acidity related issues.
There is a possibility that you might be having H.pylori infection which can cause these symptoms. Get a blood test done to rule out this infection.
You can take Rekool-L for 4 weeks.
Rekool-L will reduce acidity and bloating.
You do not require the other endoscopy test as of now.
The red mark you see is not ulcer. It is the procedure related lesion.
Most of your other symptoms appear functional to me. You appear to be very stressed. A few sessions of counselling and medications to calm your mind would be very helpful.
Discuss with your doctor about these.
I hope that answers your question.
Let me know if I can assist you further.

Patient replied :

1-sir in endoscopy report esophagus shows normal mucosa ge junction is at 40 cm whats does this means is it a serious issue
2- compllete haemogram monocytes 5.8 h is shown and liver function test ag ratio is 1.68 low is shown is it ok
3-dyspepsia what does it mean is it serious
4-H.pylori infection whats does this means is it serious
5- whici type of blood test u r telling to do
5- my gastro doctor has prescibed me also lycopom fortified with lycopene vitamins and minerals is ti safe to take this medcine what are the benifets of taking this medicine or do they have any side eeffects
6- is there any other medicine i can take to solve my gas problem beside my gastro doctor given
7- i cant sleep till 3am is thier any medicine or solution for this problem
8- when ever even if i take my tongue out within seconds i feel vominting why this happening
9- i want relif from all this problem i want that my stomach works normally so pl advice me

Thanks for getting back to me with more questions.
The answers for your questions -
1. Your endoscopy report does not indicate anything serious.
2. The slightly high monocyte count is not significant. A/G ratio less than 1 is only considered significant.
3. Dyspepsia means upper abdominal discomfort. Since your endoscopy is normal, there is nothing serious.
4. H.pylori is a bacterial infection and is one of the common causes of dyspepsia.It is not serious.
5. You can get an antiH.pylori antibody IgG test done.
6. Lycopene is an antioxidant and prevents cell damage. You can take it. It does not cause any serious side effects.
7.No other medications required.
8.Inadequate sleep could be due to acidity or stress you have. You continue taking the same medications.
9.The nausea you have is due to acidity and most importantly due to anxiety.
10. You continue the medications prescribed and also get a few sessions of counselling as already advised.

Patient replied :

ok will revert u back after i consult my gastro doctor one more thing i want ask that i was having burning in mouth and tongue so i consult a skin doctor he told me to do blood reports like cbc,ct,bt,blood sugar f pp,esr,vitamin c , vitamin d i done and showed the rports he told everthing is normal and given me medicine like cap-rinifol,mucopin gel tab limcee my question are as follows
1-in cbc report rdw is 12.70 low what does it means and is it ok
2-ESR(westergren method is 35 high what does it means and is it ok as i search its shown bocoz of some infection in there in body so how i can cure it
3-fasting bloodsugar is 105 and post meals is 128 is it ok
4-25 hydroxy oh vit d 8.1 deficncy below 10

1.The RDW is ok. No need to worry.
2. You do not have infection as your total WBC count is normal only. You can repeat ESR and see.
3.Yes, the sugar levels are absolutely fine.
4. Your vitamin D level is low. You need to take vItamin D supplements. You can ask your doctor for prescription.

Patient replied :

in endoscopy in 2 picture i can see some red mark is it ulcer or its due endoscopy done it will be cure by itself

That red mark is not an ulcer.
It might be endoscopy related. It will cure by itself.
Dr. R. K.

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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