Hello, your wife has been complaining burning in her stomach; headache and also erratic heart beat for the last 2 days or so. Well there are so many conditions which produces these type of symptoms namely: Atrial fibrillation, Heart rhythm disorder, premature ventricular contractions, panic attack, hypokalemia, acute stress reaction, hyper thyroidism, esophageal structure, Supraventricular Tachycardia, Aortic stenosis and regurgitation, indigestion, GERD, Gastritis, Side effects of Ibuprofen and so on. They are different types of headaches like
a)Tension headache: which is very common, occurs around the head especially at the back or the temple and do not prevent your daily activities that can be relieved by tablets paracetamol or ibuprofen.
b)Cluster headache: usually it affects men more than women. Occurs in groups or cycles, severe and on one side of the head. It usually presents with congestion or runny nose, watering eyes. The cause is not known, may be genetic.
c) Sinus headache: usually is due to infection along with fever or variation in pollen. Antibiotics, antihistamines or decongestants will relieve presence of pus in the sinus cavity.
d) Rebound headache: usually due to excessive use of painkillers or may be due to sudden withdrawal of drug.
e) Migraine headache: usually there is a family history present. May get 4-5 episodes, lasts for 4-72 hours, one sided pain, throbbing, sometimes moderate to severe, gets worsened by routine activities. Sometimes there is sensitivity to light and sound.
f) Eyestrain headache: due to watching too much TV or reading that hurts your vision or logging in front of the computer.
g) Hormone headache: appears especially during menstruation, because of imbalance in estrogen and progesterone levels.
h) Hangovers: due to excessive alcohol consumption.
i) Transformed migraines: here the pain is less severe but it is throbbing.
j) Caffeine withdrawal headache: usually throbbing occurs especially when you miss your coffee.
In your case, you may be feeling tired probably due to anemia which is characterized by low hemoglobin count. Moreover, you have not mentioned any other associated symptoms either. Hence, it is a bit difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. So please get in touch with your physician and with a proper history and a physical examination, you can decide what he should do next and take an appropriate action.