Burning on penis head after sex with sex worker.

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My question is about hiv and why the head of my penis is burning slightly.
I had sex with a sex worker 2 days before in a place in uk where i have to pay two owners and then choose a girl for sex. There was at least 10 girls. She seems quite professionals she told me no kiss, do not touch her vagina and i can touch her breast only during sex. The first thing she did, she put a condom on my penis and started licking it. After a few minutes she was on the bed and told me she was ready for sex. Then we started having sex. The problem is that it was my first time sex, my penis was quite sensitive and i was not totally erect. I can say that during the intercourse, the condom didn't break(fail) as in the end she masturbate me using her hand and i can see the sperm on the end on the condom. Whenever i was trying to kiss her she refuses me. She uses some cream on the condom i guess to reduce friction. She then uses a plastic bag to remove the condom making sure her hands do not touch my penis or sperm. She did it quite professionally. During she was masturbating me, i felt a pain in the head on my penis as i was telling her doing it harder and then i couldn't control due to the good feeling. But now i am having a slight burning on my penis head where it is open. My question is lets say she is hiv positive, can i get hiv if i know the condom didnt break.? Or can i get any std? And did i got hurt when she was masturbating me? I am confused, please any help? What could be the reason for this burning?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern.
From your exposure, you need not worry about HIV or other contagious STDs like Herpes 2 ( HSV ), as you had a condom on.
Since this was your first-time intercourse, the burning could either be due to the friction, which you're not used to, or could also be due to the cream she used for masturbation. Penis or the scrotal area is very sensitive and hence allergic reactions are common.
Is there any increase in urinary urgency or any burning while passing urine?
Feel free to discuss further,

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Patient replied :

I think uninary urgency is normal. Going to toilet more often(think because of winter). While passing urine there isn't any burning which causes discomfort or pain. The burning sensation is slightly on the surface of the penis head. Any conclusion?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Yes, with the additional information UTI can be ruled out too.
So the burning you are experiencing is secondary to friction during sex, or due to the rough masturbation.
It will improve over time.
You do not need any testing for HIV or other STDs.
Hope this was helpful,

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