Thank you for asking this query.
There are quite a few conditions which presents with these symptoms that you’ve mentioned to have, such as inguinal hernia, genital herpes infection, and other neurological conditions. So to narrow down the diagnosis and in order to help you out better I will need more information from you. It will be great if you can give me these additional details.
1. Do you have a history Diabetes Meilltus?
2. Are there any blisters/sores that are present in the groin area?
3. Did you have any injury in the abdomen or groin anytime in the past?
4. Do you have any swelling/lump in the legs or in the groin?
5. Do you have burning sensation/pain when you urinate?
I will help you the best possible, and feel free to give more information about these symptoms.
You can reply to this email itself. Thank you.