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Bleeding, painful cut on head due to dog's tooth.

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I have a 1-inch cut on my head, about 1 inch above my forehead, hairline. It occurred 48 hours ago, and in retrospect I should have gone to a doctor then to see if I needed stitches/ staples. I was playing around with a friend's dog and we butted heads at one point. (I'm truthfully not sure if it was the dog's hard head or his teeth that got me, but I'd guess it'd be more likely to be a tooth. I know that this dog is free of any disease such as rabies).

The cut bled profusely for a few minutes, but then mostly stopped save for slight oozing of thick blood at the deepest part of the cut which gradually tapered off within a few hours.

At this point, the wound is closed, and doesn't feel like it is likely to reopen. Most of the cut is not so deep, save for a ~2 mm gash at the end. I've been washing it and applying neosporin twice a day to curb any risk of infection.

I'm concerned though, about a scar on my scalp and how that could affect hair growth. (The cut is in a fairly visible part of my head). Is there anything I, or a doctor, could do to aid in healing and prevent scars or any noticeable damage to hair growth?

I'm aware that it's probably too late to stitch the wound, but is there anything a doctor could do - such as reopen the wound and stitch/ staple? Or are there any over the counter methods I could use that may be similarly effective?

(Other info: 26yo male, no major medical problems, no allergies, etc.)

Category: Dermatologist

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Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
 31 Doctors Online

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To help the wound heal, ideally you should take an oral antibiotic too with topical medicine. Also clean the area daily with betadine solution. As two days have already passed, it is not advisable to get the wound stitched.
Once the lesion heals, you may use silicone based gel twice in a day for minimal scarring. If the scar is too deep to destroy hair follicles, the hair growth will be affected and nothing can be done to restore the same. But the good thing your wound does not look too deep, however I will still like to see a few more images.
I will request you to share a few more high resolution images from slightly close by for me to one again review the wound.
Feel free to discuss further,

Patient replied :

Hi Dr.
Thanks so much for the response. I've attached a few more photos - it was tough to get close, in focus shots of the wound.
I woke up yesterday to see what looked like the start of an infection, with pus. I went out to get Betadine and have been washing every 4-5 hours or so with it, and it looks better. I'd prefer not to go see a doctor and take oral antibiotics, but do you have a suggestion for when to tell if the wound looks bad enough to warrant it?
Thank you for the suggestion of silicone gel for healing scars. Do you have any suggestion for what brand may work best? Also, any suggestions for any other type of topical ointment for treatment?
Thank you again,

Just do a course of oral and topical antibiotic and clean the area with betadine solution. You may take amoxycillin clavulinic acid 625 mg thrice in a day as an oral antibiotic( adult dose) for faster healing. As the wound is in scalp even if hair loss is there, it wont be visible. Also ideally after an injury, anti tetanus vaccine should be given with in six hours.

Having said all this, it is advisable that you meet a doctor nearby for proper examination.

Dr. Kalpana Pathak
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
M.D. from Pt. B D Sharma Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak in 2011 with Haryana State Dental & Medical Council
M.B.B.S from MLN medical college allahabad in 2006 with Uttar Pradesh Medical Council
Dr. Kalpana Pathak and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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