Bile reflux gastritis and esophagitis

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Hello, i have problems with my stomach (about 2 month). So, i was at the endoscopy. Doctor did not speak with me so much. I cant correctly translate his report (bad english sorry). But his conclusion was: :bile reflux gastritis and esophagitis . He sad to me, that i have something like chemical inflammation of stomach. He did not say anything esophagus, but there is writen that i have esophagitis .and irritation of whole esophagus (and that is true - trouble with swallowing etc).. He biopsed my stomach and also irregular Z-line. And this really scared me. If you google "irregular Z-line" - you get "barret´s esophagus". I am trying to deal with that.. but i styl read about that... and I am styl looking for same hope.. Doctor did not say anything about Barret. But may be is it his strategy ( - not to scared me). But now, I have read a lot of thing about Barret. And I have special question. Could be Barret diagnosed only from z-line biopsy? Or they should taky more biopsies, if they have suspicion. Could be irregular z-line cause only by inflammation (or irritation) or gastritis (in my case- chemical gastritis)? What do you thing?Waiting for results killing me slowly. Thank you so much'!

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

Expert:  Dr. Ratnakar Kini replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.

Yes, Barrett's is diagnosed with a biopsy from the Z line region only. When endoscopy shows suspicious lesions around the z line, it has to be biopsied.
Irregular Z line need not be always a Barrett's esophagus. Simple inflammation can also make it irregular.

Also it takes decades of reflux to cause Barrett's esophagus. Moreover not all cases of Barrett's esophagus lead to malignancy.
So there is no need to worry.

You can discuss with your doctor about the abnormal z line and ask him whether biopsy can be done to rule out Barrett's esophagus.

I hope that answers your questions. Please feel free to discuss further.

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