Big air bubble in my skin under my foot.

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I have a random, big air bubble forming in my skin under my foot. It feels like I'm walking on a patch of sand. It's wierd and I'm panicking. What to do? What is it?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


From your symptoms, you seem to have developed an air bubble due to repeated trauma.

If it was painful then it could have been corn. But, as you have not specified pain, it could be due to repeated trauma to sole of your foot.

Sometimes, especially if you are skating in bare foot. Repeated trauma could have occurred, which would have not been painful or bleeding etc which you would expect from a normal trauma. This could be some pressure or laceration mild enough to not bring your notice. But repeated trauma in same area can produce hypertrophy in that area and later on an air bubble like the way you specified.

There is nothing to be worried about. Either you can go to hospital or use a sterilized needle and puncture the bubble. Later wash it with sterilized water first, later with butadiene or dettol. You can apply bacitracin in that area twice and don't keep it moist. It will heal in 2 days.

Thank you.

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