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Hi, this is an extremely sensitive subject for me as I've been dealing with this for as long as I can remember (something like perhaps 5-7 years?).

When I was younger, aged 11, I developed much faster than most men, and because I could "perform" along with a friend of mine, we decided to experiment. Yes, I am saying I had unprotected sex at 11 year old. I only mention this because I am unsure if this may have affected anything.

However as I've grown up more, I've found to be having more and more difficulty. When I was in school around 11-13 year old, I was quite "unclean". I had no idea what the word Hygiene meant. When, and it sounds ridiculous saying it, I actually started washing daily as any normal person, I found my penis to be extremely sensitive under the foreskin, to the point where I could not even "pat" it or soak it in water. I tried many times to get some warm (not hot) and undiluted water on it just to try and clean it. It stung too much and I pulled away too quickly.

At that point I kinda gave up on my self, life as an adult is about settling down with a job and family, yet I can't even keep the one part of my body clean that I need to, we all know how important it is.

Skipping a few chapters, I've tried loads of times to *try* and do something about it on my own, it is literally highly embarrassing to tell anyone that I failed to clean my own dingdong and now I am suffering from it, it's highly inflamed, irritant, has a terrible odour and had white bits. I just can't get anything off because it's so sensitive to touch, and if I was to use something like lube to try get it off, I could not wash the lube off. I'm stuck.

I gave up and accepted defeat, which is why it's taken me so long to actually make a move and try to fix it at 19 year old, I don't want to tell anyone or visit and show off to my GP, it's disgusting. I shower at least once daily and have managed to force it into some tepid water to just try and soak it for a short while, however all I can do is extremely gently pat it dry because it's too painful.

This is irrelevant, but over the years I have actually tried to kill my self 5 times because of this. Now I am just an isolated, lonely and deeply depressed guy who wants to get his life on track, or end it. Any help is welcomed except "go see your GP", if there are any creams which will stop this sensitivity (even if it means excruciating pain at the time) for the greater good, so be it, but I cannot face going to a doctors.

Thanks for your time :'(

Category: Dermatologist

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Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
 29 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query.

I can understand your concern.

Your glans penis seems to be inflamed and most likely infected due to accumulation of the secretions which are referred to as smegma.

Cleansing of smegma on a daily basis by retracting the foreskin is important in maintaining the hygiene in that area.

In your case due to the sensitivity since you are unable to do so, it would be advisable to first treat the infection and inflammation. The infection seems to be probably due to bacteria and also yeast infection called candidiasis.

I would recommend a course of tablet doxycycline twice a day for a week. Also tablet fluconazole once a week.

Also application of neosporin, cortisone and clotrimazole cream will help in treating the inflammation and infection.

Also it would be best to use soap and water to loosen the smegma accumulated there.

I understand your feelings about not meeting a gp, however you will need to see one if the above measures are not helpful. Also you will need a prescription for the oral medications.
It's best to see your doctor for this concern, it might be sound embarrassing but will surely resolve your concern.

Also loosening out the smegma may not be a simple affair and will need an expert to do it. Right now it's a concern that you have to treat, it's not just a problem of maintaining the hygiene right now.

In case you are not able to retract your foreskin it's necessary too visit your doctor immediately.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care

Patient replied :

I will continue to avoid the doctors for as long as possible, I can get 3 of the 5 products from my local chemist over the counter and if that doesn't do anything, I'll have no choice but to see my GP.

In what order do I use the creams? Or just one?


Thanks for your reply.

The creams can be mixed and applied twice daily for a week.

I would recommend the use of oral medications also is necessary to treat your concern.


Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar
Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
Diploma in Dermatology - Royal College Of Physicians & Surgeons Of Glasgow, UK , 2010
Residency - DNB, Dermatology -  K.J Somaiya Hospital, Mumbai, 2009
Medical School & Internship - MBBS - Dr. D . Y . Patil Medical College, Mumbai, 2004
Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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