ANUS got inflated with fluid, unable to poo. Treatment.

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I have a problem with my anus. It seems as though one of the anus rings gets inflated with liquid and becomes a bulb. It protudes more after I poo. It is uncomfortable to poo. I have been pushing it back in for a while but now it seems to want to stay out a little bit. It is uncomfortable to touch and I cannot sit down comfortably either.

It is the size of like 3 peas. It isn't red or black. Just the same colour of the rest of my anus. It isn't itchy.

I have been putting paw paw ointment on it to stop any chaffing.

What is it? and what can I do about it?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: General Surgeon

Expert:  Dr. Hari Charan Perigela replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
As per your description, it looks like prolapsed haemorrhoid. Sometimes, blood gets clotted inside the mass and is called Thrombosed haemorrhoid.It will be very painful.
You should get examined clinically for exact diagnosis.
Please consult your Surgeon and get the diagnosis confirmed .
If it is a prolapsed haemorrhoid,Surgery has to be done.
Please eat high fiber diet, drink plenty of liquids, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Your stool should be soft.
If you come back after surgeon's consultation, I will clarify further.
Wish you good health.

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