Adderall in pregnancy

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I am currently 33 weeks pregnant with my first child. I also have ADD and stopped taking adderall (20 mg a day) at 5 weeks. It has been a struggle and I have been given the green light to start up the medication at 28 weeks. On my own accord, I only take between 2.5-5 mg a day, as needed (which equates to approximately 4 days out of the week) of short--acting adderall . While I'm happy my OB is unconcerned with the side effects, I am concerned that I haven't received an ultrasound or any extra scrutiny to ensure the health of my baby hasn't been compromised. I fully understand that it is a class c and there is a risk/benefit scale, I'm just wondering if I should seek a second opinion or insist on an ultrasound . Thank you in advance.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.


Thank you for your consult at

Yes, Adderall is a pregnancy category C drug. Its risks in humans have not been studied adequately.

However, all major organ systems develop in the second trimester, when you were drug free. After 33 weeks drug intake is relatively safe.

Still, an ultrasound is a must. Please insist on a detailed ultrasound scan.

There is no much extra scrutiny that can be done in the third trimester, however, an ultrasound scan in expert hands is required.

All the best.
Please feel free to discuss further.

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