Thanks for posting your query.
I can understand your concern.
This is acne but its not cystic acne. You seem to be having grade 2 acne whereas cystic is grade 4.
Acne does recur til the age of 27-28 years after which they gradually reduce.
Application of creams should resolve them well enough so they do not leave behind red marks.
I would recommend
1. Papulex facewash twice a day . In case you cannot find it cetaphil cleansing lotion would do.
2. Emolene cream is a moisturizer which will not aggravate acne. Can be applied on the dry areas.
3. Use a sunscren once every 4 hours. Neutrogena is a good brand.
4. Clindoxyl gel once a day on the active pimples once a day.
5. Glyco 6 cream at night on full face for an hour on alternate nights and then wash off
6. Epiduo gel on alternate nights on full face for an hour and then wash off.
Please let me know if you have any queries.
Take care