A strange sensation in my head, body freezes and have headache

Resolved question:

Well, um, I'm a 12 year old, and what is happening has being going on for about four years. Basicall I will randomly experience strange images flashing VERY briefly, and a strange sensation in my head. Then, about once a month, my body seems to freeze, and then a lot of images flash in my head, I get terrible pains in my stomach and head, then I feel utterly horrible and sick for the rest of the day. Afterwards I can't remember the images that flash I'm my head properly, just strange blurry bits, and sometimes weird noises. If I concentrate and try to remember I normally either just can't or I get a headache.Now I know this all might sound crazy, but I don't really know where else to ask. If tried everywhere except the actually doctors because my mum won't allow me to go, she doesn't believe me. Thanks much.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

Thanks for using ask a doctors service from doctor spring. I understand your problem and will try to answer to best possible. The images as described by you earlier are a medical condition known as hallucinations. These are nothing but creations of the mind, which appear to be quite real. The headache and terrible pains you experience is all due to this cause. The hallucinations are of different types namely:

a)Visual hallucination: where the patient can see things that are not real.

b)Auditory hallucination: where they hear sounds like whistling, music.

c)Olfactory hallucination: our or foul smelling odor.

d)Gustatory hallucination: perception of unpleasant taste

e)Tactile hallucination

The hallucinations can be due to various causes:


b)Usage of certain drugs like marijuana, Heroine, LSD.

c)Psychiatric illness like depression, Schizophrenia.



I can understand how frightened you are with all the happenings, but I would recommend you to consult a psychiatrist who would be able to help you with the present condition. They can get a complete physical examination and blood tests to help you with the problem. It is treatable. 

Hope this helps. If there are any further queries you can always ask me.

Thank you.

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