Grade A motile sperms in semen analysis

Resolved question:

I GOT MY SEMEN EVALUATED: VOL: 3 ML, COUNT - 42 MN, % MOTILITY - 60%, Grade A (Progressive motile) - 30%, Grade B (NON PROGRESSIVE MOTILE) - 30% AND IMMOTILE - 40%.


Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Thank you for asking the query.
The semen analysis report provided here is normal (all the parameters) and solely based on the semen analysis report you should be fertile.

Thank you.

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Patient replied :

I am more concerned about the motility%. I came to know that progressive motile should be at least 50%, but in my test it is 30%.please clarify.

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 3 Days.

The motility should be 34% or more. (More than 50% is better)

You have 60 % motile sperms

Grade A = 30%

Grade B = 30%

All need not be Grade A

Hope this clarifies.

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