Resolved question:
My father had CABG x3 8 weeks ago and he has been going to cardiac rehabilitation for the past 2-3 weeks. He had his session yesterday in fact where they did certain exercises with weights and balls and stairs. This morning he went driving for the first time following the op and shoppingfrom the supermarket, and when he came back he started to feel pain in the right upper part of the chest and back when he moves or takes a deep breath. I already took hium to our nearby clinic ( notinthe USA) and the doctor said that it is a muscular complaint related to the operation , maybe he put some strain this morning. I would appreciate a second opinion. He is 67 years old and quite active at home, he does everything alone.
4 Days
Internal Medicine Specialist
As per your description of the chest pain, it appears to be musculoskeletal in origin, and NOT a cardiac pain (Pain on movement or deep breath). I would recommend complete rest for a day. A pain medication can be taken if there is sever pain. Incase of persistent pain, dizziness, syncope , sweating or palpitation you may need to take him to the hospital. Otherwise no medical helps is needed now.
However I would advise caution. Please make sure that is not over exerting or under stress. Re start the routine activities at home at a much slower pace.