55 years old lady with a lump in throat

Resolved question:

Hi doctor, I am a lady of 55 years. On last October it developed a small lump feeling in my throat. At that time I went to consult my GP and asked me to consult a ENT specialist. ENT specialist, after a thorough checkup, told me that everything looks fine. But by the time, I have had a slight pain in my lower chin at the same side of lump. The ENT specialist used camera to do the inspection down but turned up with nothing serious. Later, in December, I went to take au ultrasound test on my neck. In the result, there diagnosed two swollen lymph nodes in both sides of neck and a very small cyst in the thyroid gland. But they told that there is still nothing to worry about. Even after seven frequent visits to my GP, there were no remarkable improvements in symptoms and my questions remained unanswered. Now I expect that some other doctor can explain my condition better than my GP. Nowadays I experience clogging like experience with my jaws also. My earlobe under my jaws feels like it hurts and it is difficult to chew also. I consulted with my dentist and after checkup; he told that everything looks alright. I doubt that these guys are at their wit's end to find out what is wrong with me. Sometimes, it feels like something tasting very horrible inside my mouth. I have done a thorough blood checkup also. Medically, all looks fine, making me helpless. Sometimes it feels so horrible that I feel like cutting my throat myself. Please help me get out of this weird situation. Thanks.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Sexologist

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

Thank you for using Ask a Doctor Services from Doctor Spring.

I understand your health issue and I will help you at the best I can.

Based on the symptoms you've been presented with there can be few conditions which could have possibly been the cause for it. They could be either an

  1. Enlarged lymph glands,
  2. thyroid swelling
  3. throat or ear infections
  4. infection in salivary glands,
  5. acid indigestion or
  6. Rarely some tumours or growths in the neck could cause it.

Firstly, do not feel frustrated with the problem, it can all be treated. I would advise you to take an appointment with ENT consultant as early possible and ask him for a re check up of your throat and neck. He might have to use direct/ indirect laryngoscopy to view the inside of throat clearly. Mostly this could clench the diagnosis. If not, then an X-ray of neck would be supportive.

Meanwhile, while you wait for ENT consultation, you could also take painkiller like Paracetamol 500 mg upto three times daily which can relieve pain in jaw.

Hope this helps. Please feel free to ask if you need further help.

Thank you.

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