Will spotting after ovulation cause FERTILITY issues?

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Hi. I had a miscarriage 7 weeks ago and the cycle straight after it I had bleeding from 2 days post ovulation to 5 days post ovulation. I put it down to the miscarriage and continued to try and conceive. However this cycle at 3 days post ovulation I have the same thing, but it's just brown spotting with uterine lining (small amounts) all brown. This has continued from 3 days post ovulation to 7 days post ovulation (today) and isn't showing signs of stopping. This can't be ovulation spotting as it's going on too long. I had an internal scan a few weeks ago and everything from the miscarriage had passed. I have history of endometriosis but it hadn't preventing me getting pregnant as I have one 15 month old son and this year I have had 2 miscarriages already. I started taking Maca Root last cycle, so not sure if this is causing it. I'm going to be 40 next year and we have been trying for our second child for a year. I'm getting worried that this new spotting after ovulation is going to cause fertility issues?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your query at DoctorSpring.com.
Following a miscarriage, it is normal to have some amount of erratic spotting and menstrual bleeding for 2 - 3 cycles, so do not worry.
It is normal.
What is strange is the exact timing that you have observed.
I would have advised a scan to check that the uterus is completely empty, but that is already done.
Endometriosis might be actually acting up after the past miscarriage and causing this kind of spotting, and if so, that might hamper your fertility.
maca root might also be causing the changes.
Since you are going to be 40 next year, it is paramount to have your fertility looked into.
Please have an internal exam, Pap smear and a pelvic ultrasound scan done transvaginally, plus hormonal levels ( FSH, LH, TSH, Prolactin ).
That should reveal endometriosis, polyp, a cervical lesion or any such reason for the spotting.
If all this is normal, you can put it down to post miscarriage issues, which should be sorted out in a month or two.
All the best.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Take care.

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