Will penis enlargement pills work on me?

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I work in a company which is into developing the operating system by the name of knoppix. I wanted to know doctor whether or not the pills for penis enlargement are effective?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.

Thank you for this question. As an answer to your question I would let you know certain essential points. First is that a man’s penis enlarges only during the time when he is in an arousal state. This arousal state is achieved due to various reasons such as watching porn on internet, television or on mobile devices, by thinking about having a sexual intercourse with your partner, or some other reasons. When this happens, there is a significant amount of flow of blood to the veins of your penis. As a result of which your penis enlarges to a greater size. There are certain cases where it has been said that people don’t have a good erection even when they are highly aroused. For this purpose, there are various medicines and pills available. If in case you are looking for a pill which will cause erection of your penis even when you are not aroused then there is not any such pill available. If anyone is saying it is then I would suggest that you do not trust him and hence do not buy such penis enlarging pills. While working in the knoppix manufacturing company you have the access of the internet which can help you to gather more knowledge about such pills. Take care.

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