White patch of hair and possibility of brain injury

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I was getting my hair cut today and the stylist noticed a white patch in my hair. I have had this ever since I can remember, but until 1st grade, my hair was white so it wouldn't have been noticeable until after that time. The stylist asked if I had any head traumas because that could cause the pigmentation of that area to change and not allow my hair to have color in that area. I have been asked by doctors if I have had any head traumas or brain injuries before, but never thought about it. I asked my mom about it, and apparently as a 2 year old child, I fell from a high slide and landed on my head. I faded in and out of consciousness on my way to the ER without crying at all. Would it make sense that I might have a brain injury? Could that create a white patch in my hair?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

No head trauma or brain injury will not have an external manifestation as white patch of hair.
The brain which is enclosed in the skill has no direct relation to the scalp or hair. The colour of the hair is determined by the melanocytes (the colouring cells) which can be affected by something superficial rather than something like a head trauma.

It could be due a simple aberration following an injury or a fungal infection or even congenital.

Eitherway this does not signify any past or ongoing head injury or trauma.
Hope this helps
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