What are the medications for HPV for seniors?

Resolved question:

Hello Doctor I am senior citizen aged 63 years old. Doctor I had question regarding HPV medication as I am down wih HPV. I want to know whether the medication available for HPV will work for me or not? Should I go for a medication? As I am diagnosed with this disease so I did research on it and found that the medication is preffered for some age and for some age group. What is the std listpresent? Is their any medicine for which I should go for? Please help me to find out my answer.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question and concern as you mentioned above about the medication and the research I understand your problem regarding HPV medication. The medication available for the HPV is not helpful in your case as you have already read it before as for the best result of this medication it is important to have all the 3 doses before getting in contact with HPV. Anyone can get infected with this disease if he had sexual intercourse or sexual contact with any other person for the very first time. It is also possible that he can get HPV, if the sexual intercourse had happened only once in his life. Behind this there is one more reason that is HPV vaccines will not be able to treat you fully as infection entered once will not be cured fully by this vaccinationas this medication is helpless to cure your problems related to health like cancer, wart etc. which is caused by HPV infection even if they occurred before medication. There are not as such std list present. According to me I would suggest you to have a regular checkups and pap smears near by your gynecologist for the prevention and for the changes. Hope I have cleared your question.Take care.

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