Was feeling dizzy and lost control. Could it be an epileptic attack?

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I have a history of severe epilepsy. I got light headed the other day then dizzy. And then I felt faint I felt. All three at once and I had pressure in my head. I started trembling and my fingers were tingling I was in panic mode I thought I was going to faint or have a fit and die my mom had to force me to lie down and even then I wanted up I felt I had lost control. Over my body and could. Handle it standing up better. I was in tears I had another one today at work, but now it's gone what do you think is going on?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

Hello, with regard to your query regarding that you are have a history of severe epilepsy and associated symptoms. Epilepsy is a central nervous disorder where the activity of the nerve cell in the brain is disturbed which results in seizures like abnormal behavior, sensations and loss of consciousness. A single seizure does not confirm epilepsy, instead 2 unprovoked seizures is required to say that he / she had an epileptic attack. Symptoms may include a temporary confusion, uncontrolled jerky movements of arms and legs, psychic symptoms  .It may be generalized or focal .In case of generalized seizures, all areas of brain are involved and there are 6 varieties such as absence of seizures (petit mal seizures), clonic seizures, myoclonic seizures, Atonic seizures, Tonic seizures and lastly tonic- clonic seizures also known as Grand mal seizures. If it is focal, there will be involuntary jerking of the arms or legs associated with tingling, dizziness and no loss of consciousness. Causes of epilepsy include genetic influence, head trauma, brain conditions, infectious diseases, pre natal injury and developmental disorders. I would suggest you to consult the physician to completely evaluate and provide appropriate treatment. Hope this helps. Thank you.

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