Unprotected intercourse and sickness after

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Hi, I recently had unprotected sex last wednesday and got an hiv test the day after. As soon after I got my blood drawn I started feeling sick. On Friday I took an OraQuick HIV test and it came up negative and I took a picture of it. I'm waiting on my blood work but my symptoms are a cough and my chest feels heavy, my stool changed it's runny but not diarrhea, loss of appetite and fatigue. I was wondering what else I could have. I just got over a common cold a few weeks ago.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Hello, Thankyou for approaching DoctorSpring with your query. The symptoms of feeling sick after you got your blood drawn, and your symptoms of cough, chest feeling heavy, changed stools, loss of appetite and fatigue are not significant to an HIV infection as the symptoms of HIV take atleast 2-4 weeks to develop and can take upto 10 months.

The Combined Antigen Antibody Test for HIV takes takes 3-4 weeks to detect an HIV infection
and The Antibody Test (EIA) takes 6 weeks to to detect an HIV infection.

I would suggest you repeat the above mentioned HIV test in 5 weeks to make sure you are HIV negative, as you have had very recent exposure and it is too early to have done the test.

The symptoms you have mentioned above will most likely be due to a viral infection. And will take its course and will resolve by itself.

I advise you to use condoms as a protection method and repeat the tests in 5 weeks.
Feel free to follow up with any further query as a follow up question.

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