Treatment for VAGINITIS due to IUD.

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My wife had a bad UTI, but she seems to have a separate issue with her ovaries, vagina, uterus,,, she went today for an internal ultrasound - her skin inside her vagina and her labia are extremely sensitive - they hurt to the touch.... the doctor had her screened to look for ovarian cysts, or worse, (G-d forbid), but it seems strange to me, after 24 years together, that her skin is sensitive to the point where during the exam, she described it as being stabbed with a knife - and the further up/in the worse...

I am wondering if my wife has some form of vaginitis? Or is having a reaction to you IUD. This is her second IUD after the lifespan of the first expired... She never had issues with the first one...

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for writing to with your health concern.
-What is her age ?
-Does she have any altered discharge / foul smell, redness, itching , pain during sex or otherwise ?
Please do write back with these details and I would be able to help you.

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Patient replied :

"-Does she have any altered discharge / foul smell, redness, itching , pain during sex or otherwise ?"

Her lower labia and inside skin hurts to the touch. It does not ahve discharge, etc, but she has extreme sensitivity/pain to the touch.

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 3 Days.

May I know her age please ?

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Patient replied :

She is 45 - she has a UTI currently and is taking an antibiotic - She has her second IUD.... the first expired about 2 years ago and she got a new one.

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 2 Days.

Hello. Thank you for posting the follow up query.
Since how long is she having this extreme sensitivity ?
Does it hurt during intercourse.
I would say, at 45, due to hormonal changes ( peri - menopause basically ), she might be having local hormonal deficiency .
THis leads to extremely friable vaginal tissue, leading to easy infections, spotting and sensitivity.
She should have a per vaginum and per speculum exam which will show this condition - atrophic vaginitis is what it is called.
Local estrogen creams and lubricants during sex help.
Get her blood sugars tested.
A vaginal swab should be taken to rule out any specific infections.
Also , a pelvic ultrasound scan should be done.
In addition, hormonal tests - FSH, LH, TSH, Serum estradiol - which will confirm peri menopause.
Feel free to discuss further,

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Patient replied :

She is 45 - she has a UTI currently and is taking an antibiotic - She has her second IUD.... the first expired about 2 years ago and she got a new one.

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 1 Day.

You seem to have repeated the same question twice. Please look at the follow up reply above, and send me the new follow up question. You can edit in the question section in your dashboard and i will get back to you.

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