Treatment for CONGENITAL KYPHOSIS without surgery.

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I am 36 year old male. I have a mild congenital kyphosis that was diagnosed when I was 5-6 years old patientold.There is no pain associated with it and I have no trouble functioning in the daily life. I do not think that this condition is progressing - it has been pretty much the same all my life. It is the cosmetic aspect that bothers me the most. I am aware that it may possibly be treated with spinal fusion or through exercise.Since, spinal fusion entails risks, it probably would not be a good choice for me.
1) I was wondering if there are any potential treatments, other than major surgery, that may correct the deformity? The reason I am asking is because I think that there may be some innovations in how this condition can be management.
2) How likely that a surgery is recommended to correct the deformity? If it is recommended, what are the risks and limitations that I would have to live with?

Thank you!

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

Expert:  Dr. Mukesh Tiwari replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
I have gone through details of your question & pictures which you have sent.
It looks by pictures that you are having mild degree of scoliosis as well as kyphosis.This looks to be less then fifteen degree deformity.As per treatment standards you can be easily treated by exercises.You should consult to a orthopedic doctor first who may order some x rays to assess your deformity.Depending on this he may refere you to a physiotherapist with specialization in spine deformities.I hope you will recover from deformity & maintain a good life.
With best wishes.

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Patient replied :

Thank you for your response.I can imagine that exericse can make a difference if there was some kind of muscular imbalance, yet in my case, I it is bone that is deformed. I do understand that increaing strengths of muscle group may improve posture a little, but I just do not see how exercise can straighten the bone. - Can you give me some idea how exercises can make a difference in the part of the spine(bone), considering that it is the bone that is deformed? - If I went to an appointment and they ran X-ray and MRI, then what is it that they may find that could make treatment much easier / harder? The reason I am asking is that I cannot afford to pay several thousand dollars for diagnostic only to be recommended to exercise or do a surgery. Are there any specific features in my condition that X-ray may identify to make treatment much easier? What may be treatment options other that exercise and/or high risk surgery?

Expert:  Dr. Mukesh Tiwari replied 3 Days.

Welcome .
After going through your pictures it does not looks that your deformity is severe.Lesser degree deformity can be corrected by exercises and surgery is not recommend for them.I advised you to have x rays so that correct angle,grade of deformity and cause of deformity can be determined.
In case of surgery generally osteotomy or cutting of vertebral bone at multiple level(with severe deformity ) and only balancing with rodes and fixation is advised in lesser degree of deformity .Hope this will help you.
With best wishes.

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Patient replied :

Dr Tiwari,
I do not undertand how exerice can correct bone disorders as opposed to muscular imbalance? Can you please explain how exercise can correct pinal deformity caused by deformed vertebrae (bone)?

Expert:  Dr. Mukesh Tiwari replied 2 Days.

You should know that mild deformities are commonly due to idiopathic reasons i.e. there are no reasons except muscle imbalances& they are easily corrected by special exercises but if there is vertebral deformity(which should be confirmed by MRI Scan) then surgery is only answer.
With best wishes.

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Patient replied :

I personally feel that "vertebral deformity" is more likely in my case, because when I try to straighten by back it feels that my range of motion is limited by vertebral deformity, rather than muscles. Considering this, what do you think more likely in my case "muscle imbalances" or "vertebral deformity"?

Expert:  Dr. Mukesh Tiwari replied 1 Day.

By such statement i can not comment on your deformity.It should be checked by x ray & MRI .This will hep in ruling out the problem.
With best wishes.

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